Lovell, Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard
- Lovell, Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard
born Aug. 31, 1913, Oldland Common, Gloucestershire, Eng.
British radio astronomer.
He received his Ph.D. from the University of Bristol, worked for the Air Ministry during World War II, and lectured at the University of Manchester after the war. He built the first giant
radio telescope (1957) at Jodrell Bank, near Manchester; with a bowl diameter of 250 ft (76 m), the instrument is used for astronomical research and spacecraft tracking and communication.
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Lovell , Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard — (1913–) British radio astronomer Lovell was born at Oldland Common and received his PhD in 1936 from the University of Bristol; in the same year was appointed as a lecturer in physics at the University of Manchester. In 1945, after war service on … Scientists
Lovell, Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard — (n. 31 ago. 1913, Oldland Common, Gloucestershire, Inglaterra). Radioastrónomo británico. Obtuvo su doctorado en la Universidad de Bristol, trabajó para el Ministerio del aire durante la segunda guerra mundial y fue profesor en la Universidad de… … Enciclopedia Universal
Sir Alfred Charles Bernard Lovell — noun English astronomer who pioneered radio astronomy (born in 1913) • Syn: ↑Lovell, ↑Sir Bernard Lovell • Instance Hypernyms: ↑astronomer, ↑uranologist, ↑stargazer … Useful english dictionary
Alfred Charles Bernard Lovell — Bernard Lovell Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lovell. Sir Bernard Lovell, crédit: Jodrell Bank, Université de Manchester Sir Alfred Charles Bernard Lovell ( … Wikipédia en Français
Lovell — Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard … Scientists
Charles — Charles, Ray * * * (as used in expressions) Adams, Charles Francis Addams, Charles (Samuel) Atlas, Charles Babbage, Charles Barkley, Charles (Wade) Charles Daly Barnet Bartlett, Sir Frederic C(harles) Baudelaire, Charles (Pierre) Charles Edward… … Enciclopedia Universal
Bernard — Bernard, Claude * * * (as used in expressions) Albinus, Bernard Siegfried Baruch, Bernard (Mannes) Berenson, Bernard Bernard, Claude Henriette Rosine Bernard Bosanquet, Bernard Bernard Schwartz De Voto, Bernard (Augustine) Foucault, Jean (Bernard … Enciclopedia Universal
Lovell — noun English astronomer who pioneered radio astronomy (born in 1913) • Syn: ↑Sir Bernard Lovell, ↑Sir Alfred Charles Bernard Lovell • Instance Hypernyms: ↑astronomer, ↑uranologist, ↑stargazer * * * /lov euhl/, n … Useful english dictionary
Charles — /chahrlz/, n. 1. (Prince of Edinburgh and of Wales) born 1948, heir apparent to the throne of Great Britain (son of Elizabeth II). 2. Ray (Ray Charles Robinson), born 1930, U.S. blues singer and pianist. 3. Cape, a cape in E Virginia, N of the… … Universalium
sir — /serr/, n. 1. a respectful or formal term of address used to a man: No, sir. 2. (cap.) the distinctive title of a knight or baronet: Sir Walter Scott. 3. (cap.) a title of respect for some notable personage of ancient times: Sir Pandarus of Troy … Universalium