Lear, Norman (Milton)

Lear, Norman (Milton)
born July 27, 1922, New Haven, Conn., U.S.

U.S. producer, writer, and director.

He first worked in public relations and later in television as a comedy writer and director (1950–59). He wrote and produced movies such as Come Blow Your Horn (1963), Divorce American Style (1967), and Cold Turkey (1971) before returning to television to create and produce hit series such as All in the Family (1971–83), for which he received four Emmy Awards; Maude (1972–78); Sanford and Son (1972–77); and The Jeffersons (1975–85). He founded the progressive activist group People for the American Way.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Lear, Norman (Milton) — (n. 27 jul. 1922, New Haven, Conn., EE.UU.). Productor, escritor y director de cine estadounidense. Comenzó como relacionador público y después fue director y escritor de rutinas cómicas para la televisión (1950–59). Escribió y produjo películas… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Lear — /lear/, n. 1. Edward, 1812 88, English writer of humorous verse and landscape painter. 2. (italics) See King Lear. * * * (as used in expressions) Lear Edward Lear Norman Milton Lear William Powell * * * ▪ legendary English king       legendary… …   Universalium

  • lear — /lear/, n. Scot. and North Eng. learning; instruction; lesson. [1350 1400; late ME lere lesson, n. use of lere to teach, OE laeran; c. D leren, G lehren, Goth laisjan; akin to LORE] * * * (as used in expressions) Lear Edward Lear Norman Milton… …   Universalium

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  • Milton — /mil tn/, n. 1. John, 1608 74, English poet. 2. a town in SE Ontario, in S Canada. 28,067. 3. a town in E Massachusetts, near Boston. 25,860. 4. a male given name: a family name taken from a placename meaning mill town. * * * (as used in… …   Universalium

  • Norman — /nawr meuhn/, n. 1. a member of that branch of the Northmen or Scandinavians who in the 10th century conquered Normandy. 2. Also called Norman French. one of the mixed Scandinavian and French people who inhabited Normandy and conquered England in …   Universalium

  • Lear — ► Rey legendario del País de Gales. Figura central de una tragedia de Shakespeare: El rey Lear. * * * (as used in expressions) Lear, Edward Lear, Norman (Milton) Lear, William Powell …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Norman — (as used in expressions) Bethune, (Henry) Norman Borlaug, Norman (Ernest) Bowen, Norman L(evi) Steven Norman Carlton Chamberlain, Wilt(on Norman) Lear, Norman (Milton) Mailer, Norman Manley, Michael (Norman) Norman, Greg(ory John) Norman, Jessye… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Norman Lear — Norman Lear, January 17, 2008 Born Norman Milton Lear July 27, 1922 (1922 07 27) (age 89) New Haven, Connecticut, United State …   Wikipedia

  • Originaldrehbuch — Als Originaldrehbuch (Original Screenplay) wird eine Form des Drehbuchs bezeichnet, bei dem das Skript auf keiner zuvor veröffentlichten Publikation beruht. Das Originaldrehbuch liegt häufig Filmen von Autorenfilmern zugrunde. Seit 1941 wird… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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