Kissinger, Henry A(lfred)
- Kissinger, Henry A(lfred)
born May 27, 1923, Fürth, Ger.
German-born U.S. political scientist and foreign-policy adviser (1969–76).
He immigrated with his family to the U.S. in 1938. He taught at Harvard University, where he directed the Defense Studies Program (1959–69). He was appointed assistant for national security affairs by Pres.
Richard Nixon in 1968 and served as head of the National Security Council from 1969 to 1975; he was secretary of state from 1973 to 1977. He developed the policy of
détente toward the Soviet Union, which led to the Strategic Arms LimitationTalks agreements. He also initiated the first official U.S. contact with communist China. After helping to plan the U.S. bombing of Cambodia in 1969–70, he negotiated the cease-fire agreement that ended the
Vietnam War, for which he shared the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1973 with Le Duc Tho (who refused it). In 1973 he helped foment a military coup in Chile that toppled that country's Marxist government. After leaving government service he became an international consultant, lecturer, and writer.
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Kissinger — Kis•sin•ger [[t]ˈkɪs ən dʒər[/t]] n. big Henry A(lfred), born 1923, U.S. secretary of state 1973–77, born in Germany: Nobel peace prize 1973 … From formal English to slang
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