Ibn Ḥazm

Ibn Ḥazm
in full Abū Muḥammad ʽAli ibn Aḥmad ibn Saʽīd ibn Ḥazm

born Nov. 7, 994, Córdoba, Caliphate of Córdoba
died Aug. 15, 1064, Manta Lisham, near Sevilla

Islamic scholar and theologian.

Born in Spain, he lived through the civil war that ended the Spanish Umayyad caliphate and was afterward imprisoned for having supported it. As a leader of the Ẓāhirī school of jurisprudence, he taught that legal theory must rely on a literal interpretation of the Qurān and tradition. His beliefs were often attacked, and his books were burned in public. His scholarship included not only jurisprudence and theology but also logic, literature, and history. Famed for his mastery of Arabic, he wrote about 400 books, fewer than 40 of which survive.

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▪ Spanish Muslim scholar
in full  Abū Muḥammad ʿAlī ibn Aḥmad ibn Saʿīd Ibn Ḥazm  
born November 7, 994, Córdoba, Caliphate of Córdoba
died August 15, 1064, Manta Līsham, near Sevilla

      Muslim litterateur, historian, jurist, and theologian of Islamic Spain, famed for his literary productivity, breadth of learning, and mastery of the Arabic language. One of the leading exponents of the Ẓāhirī (Ẓāhirīyah) (Literalist) school of jurisprudence, he produced some 400 works, covering jurisprudence, logic, history, ethics, comparative religion, and theology, and The Ring of the Dove, on the art of love.

      Ibn Ḥazm was born into a notable family that claimed descent from a Persian client of Yazīd, the brother of Muʿāwiyah, the first of the Umayyad dynasty rulers in Syria. Muslim families of Iberian (Spanish) background commonly adopted genealogies that identified them with the Arabs; scholars therefore tend to favour evidence suggesting that Ibn Ḥazm was a member of a family of Iberian Christian background from Manta Līsham (west of Sevilla). Ḥazm, his great-grandfather, probably converted to the Islamic faith, and his grandfather Saʿīd moved to Córdoba, the capital of the caliphate. Aḥmad, his father, a devout and learned man, held a high position under al-Manṣūr and his successor, al-Muẓaffar, a father and son who ruled efficiently in the name of the caliph Hishām II. Living in the circles of the ruling hierarchy provided Ibn Ḥazm, an eager and observant student, with excellent educational opportunities. Experiences in the surroundings of the harem made an indelible impression upon him.

      Circumstances for Ibn Ḥazm changed drastically upon the death of al-Muẓaffar in AD 1008, when the stability that the Umayyads had provided for more than two and one-half centuries collapsed. A bloody civil war ensued and continued until 1031, when the caliphate was abolished and a large number of petty states replaced any semblance of a centralized political structure. The family was uprooted, and Aḥmad died in 1012; Ibn Ḥazm continued to boldly and persistently support Umayyad claimants to the office of caliph, for which he was frequently imprisoned.

      By 1031 Ibn Ḥazm began to express his convictions and activistic inclinations through literary activity, becoming a very controversial figure. With the exception of a short stay on the island of Majorca, he apparently spent most of his time on the family estate in Manta Līsham. According to one of his sons, he produced some 80,000 pages of writing, comprising about 400 works. Less than 40 of these works are still extant.

Literary activities
      The varied character of Ibn Ḥazm's literary activity covers an impressive range of jurisprudence, logic, history, ethics, comparative religion, and theology. His appreciation of the resources of the Arabic language and his skillful use of poetry and prose are evident in all his works. One delightful example is The Ring of the Dove (Ṭawq al-ḥamāmah), on the art of love. Probably best known for his work in jurisprudence and theology, for which the basic qualification was a thorough knowledge of the Qurʾān and Ḥadīth (tradition), he became one of the leading exponents of the Ẓāhirī school of jurisprudence. The Ẓāhirī (Ẓāhirīyah) principle of legal theory relies exclusively on the literal (Arabic: ẓāhir) meaning of the Qurʾān and Ḥadīth. Though his legal theories never won him many followers, he creatively extended the Ẓāhirī principle to the field of theology. He made a comparative study on the religious pluralism of his day, which is among the earliest of such studies and is highly regarded for its careful historical detail.

      An activist by nature with a deep sense of the reality of God, Ibn Ḥazm lived very much in the political and intellectual world of his times; in spite of his activism, however, he was very much a nonconformist and a loner. He conversed and debated with the leading contemporaries of his area, to whom he exhibited an insatiable thirst for knowledge as well as uncompromising convictions. Most observant, careful in analysis, meticulous in detail, and devoted to the clarity of his positions, he demanded the same of others. According to a saying of the period, the tongue of Ibn Ḥazm was a twin brother to the sword of al-Ḥajjaj (Ḥajjāj, al-), a famous 7th-century general and governor of Iraq. He attacked, in his writings, deceit, distortion, and inconsistency; but at the same time Ibn Ḥazm exhibited a sensitive spirit and expressed profound insights about the dimensions of human relationships.

      He was shunned and defamed for his political and theological views. When some of his writings were burned in public, he said that no such act could deprive him of their content. Although attacks against him continued after his death, various influential defenders appeared. Though he apparently was easy to despise, Ibn Ḥazm could hardly be ignored. He was frequently and effectively quoted, so much so that the phrase “Ibn Ḥazm said” became proverbial.

J.W. Fiegenbaum

Additional Reading
Ibn Ḥazm, Ṭawq al-ḥamāmaḥ, trans. by A.J. Arberry, The Ring of the Dove (1953), contains many references to Ibn Ḥazm's experiences. E. García Gómez's translation in Spanish, El collar de la paloma (1952), contains a good introduction to Ibn Ḥazm's life and also an extensive biobibliography. The article by R. Arnaldez in the Encyclopaedia of Islam, new ed. (1968), is one of the few up-to-date comprehensive surveys of Ibn Ḥazm's life, works, and thought. Ignaz Goldziher, Die Zāhiriten, ihr Lehrsystem und ihre Geschichte (1884; The Zāhirīs: Their Doctrine and Their History, trans. and ed. by Wolfgang Behn, 1971), is a basic work on the Ẓāhirī school of law and Ibn Ḥazm's application of the system to theology. See the biography of Ibn Ḥazm in Ibn Khallikan, Wafayāt al-Aʾyān wa-Anbāʾ al-Zamām, Eng. trans. by Baron MacGuckin de Slane, 4 vol. (1842–71, reprinted 1961), a translation of a famous biographical dictionary of the 13th century.

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