Goerdeler, Karl Friedrich

Goerdeler, Karl Friedrich
born July 31, 1884, Schneidemühl, Ger.
died Feb. 2, 1945, Berlin

German politician.

He served as second mayor of Königsberg (1920–30) and mayor of Leipzig (1930–37). A member of the rightist German National People's Party, he had to resign as mayor of Leipzig when his relations with the Nazi Party deteriorated. He collaborated with conservative generals led by Ludwig Beck against Hitler, after whose overthrow Goerdeler was to become chancellor. When the July Plot failed in 1944, he went into hiding, but was soon arrested by the Gestapo in Poland and hanged.

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▪ German politician
born July 31, 1884, Schneidemühl, Ger.
died Feb. 2, 1945, Berlin

      conservative German municipal administrator and prominent figure in the resistance movement and in an unsuccessful coup against Adolf Hitler (Hitler, Adolf). A long-time mayor of Leipzig, he was to have been chancellor of the new government if the coup had succeeded.

      After studying law and economics, Goerdeler served in the city administration of Solingen from 1912. He spent World War I mostly on the Eastern Front. In 1920 he became second mayor of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia), and from 1930 to 1937 he headed the city government of Leipzig. Twice he served as federal commissioner for price control, first from 1931 to 1932, then under the Nazi government from 1934 to 1935.

      Never at ease with the parliamentary democracy of the Weimar Republic, Goerdeler, who advocated Germany's return to its pre-1914 frontiers, was a member of the rightist German National People's Party (DNVP). His relations with the Nazi Party, never cordial, worsened until he was forced to resign as mayor of Leipzig in 1937. Almost immediately he entered the resistance against Hitler. Maintaining ties abroad and with the Western Allies even during World War II, he worked with a number of conservative generals whose recognized head was the former army chief of staff Ludwig Beck. The conspirators planned a coup after the disastrous Stalingrad campaign (late 1942–early 1943).

      After the planned overthrow of Hitler, Goerdeler hoped to negotiate a peace with the Western Allies to pursue Germany's war against the Soviet Union. The group came closest to success with an attempt on Hitler's life on July 20, 1944. After the coup's failure, Goerdeler, for whom the Gestapo had been searching even before July 20, went into hiding. He was arrested in Poland on August 12, sentenced to death on Sept. 8, 1944, and hanged at Plötzensee prison five months later.

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