
born с 390 BC, Greece
died с 325, Athens?

Greek sculptor and painter active in Athens.

The only surviving work identified as his is the fragments of a colossal marble statue of Apollo (с 330 BC) found in the agora at Athens. Other recorded (but lost) works suggest that he was one of the foremost Athenian artists of the mid 4th century BC. He also wrote treatises on proportion and colour.

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▪ Greek artist
flourished c. 390–c. 325 BC

      Greek sculptor and painter from Corinth, contemporary of Praxiteles. In the Stoa Basileios at Athens he painted the “Twelve Gods,” “Theseus with Democracy and Demos,” and the cavalry engagement at Mantinea (362); none of these works survives. At Ephesus he depicted the feigned madness of Odysseus. Fragments of a colossal statue found in the Agora at Athens have been identified as his “Apollo Patroos.” Other recorded statues are “Leto with Her Children Apollo and Artemis,” “Philip,” and “Paris and Alexander in Chariots.” He also wrote on proportion and colour.

Additional Reading
Olga Palagia, Euphranor (1980).

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