Dubnow, Simon Markovich

Dubnow, Simon Markovich
born Sept. 10, 1860, Mstislavl, Russia
died December 1941, Riga, Latvia, U.S.S.R.

Russian Jewish historian.

Largely self-educated, he gained notice as a scholar of Jewish history before the Bolshevik Revolution prompted him to leave his native Russia for Germany in 1922. He emphasized the cultural autonomy of the Jewish people throughout history, rejecting assimilation but also opposing Zionism as unrealistic. His best-known works were History of the Jews (10 vol., 1925–30) and History of Hasidism (1931). He fled Nazi Germany in 1933 for Riga, Latvia, where he was eventually killed by the Germans.

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▪ Russian historian
Simon also spelled  Semon, or Semyon  
born Sept. 10, 1860, Mstislavl, Russia [now in Belarus]
died December 1941, Riga, Latvia, U.S.S.R.
 Jewish historian who introduced a sociological emphasis into the study of Jewish history, particularly that of eastern Europe.

      Dubnow early ceased to practice Jewish rituals. He later came to believe that his vocation as a historian of Judaism was as true to the faith of his ancestors as were the Talmudic studies of his piously Orthodox grandfather.

      Dubnow was largely a self-educated man. Throughout his life he supported himself as a teacher and professional writer. In 1882 he began his long association with the Russian-Jewish periodical Voskhod (“Rising”), to which he contributed, in serial form, many of his most famous scholarly and literary works. He left Russia in 1922 because of his hatred for Bolshevism and settled in Berlin. In 1933 he fled Germany because of the anti-Jewish policies of the Nazi government and sought refuge in Riga. He was killed by the Nazis during the deportation of most of Riga's Jewish population to extermination camps.

      Dubnow was one of the first scholars to subject Ḥasidism to systematic and unbiased study based upon laboriously collected source materials from both the Ḥasidim and their various opponents. This work appeared in Geschichte des Chassidismus (1931; “History of Ḥasidism”). The mature fruit of Dubnow's historical studies is his monumental Die Weltgeschichte des jüdischen Volkes, 10 vol. (1925–30; “The World History of the Jewish People”; Eng. trans. History of the Jews), which was translated into several languages. The work is notable for its scholarship, impartiality, and cognizance of social and economic currents in Jewish history. According to Dubnow, the Jews not only are a religious community but also possess the distinctive characteristics of a cultural nationality and as such create their own forms of autonomous social and cultural life. He viewed the history of the Jews as a succession of large autonomous communities, or centres.

      Dubnow's theory of autonomism, or Diaspora nationalism, was first expressed in his famous “Letters on Old and New Judaism” (Russian ed. 1907; Nationalism and History: Essays on Old and New Judaism). As a cultural nationalist he rejected Jewish assimilation but at the same time believed that political Zionism was messianic and unrealistic. Other notable works by Dubnow include his history of the Jews in Russia and Poland (Russian ed., 3 vol., 1916–20; History of the Jews in Russia and Poland from the Earliest Times Until the Present Day) and an autobiography entitled Kniga zhizni, 3 vol. (1930, 1934, 1940; “Book of Life”).

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