
flourished early 5th century BC, Greece

Greek vase painter.

He was known for his work in red-figure pottery, which exhibit his fine draftsmanship and rhythmic composition. He decorated his vases with a variety of themes, including the legend of the Golden Fleece. His signature has been identified on some 40 vases; more than 200 have been attributed to him, including a cup depicting Eos Embracing Her Dead Son Memnon.

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▪ Greek artist
also spelled  Duris  
flourished c. 500–c. 460 BC
 Greek (Greek pottery) vase painter of the early Classical period, known for his fine draftsmanship and crisp, clear lines. He worked in both the red- (red-figure pottery) and black-figure (black-figure pottery) styles, and he decorated his vases with many themes. He frequently selected themes popular during the Archaic period, for example, the Golden Fleece, but reinterpreted them to make them more relevant to his time.

      Douris was a prolific painter in the red-figure technique whose signature as either potter or painter has been identified on about 40 vases. About 280 vase paintings (the vast majority on cups) have been attributed to him. A cup depicting “Eos Embracing Her Dead Son Memnon” is frequently attributed to Douris. Other vessels that Douris is believed to have painted include a psykter (cooler) of “Drunken Silenus,” an “Ajax and Ulysses,” and a “School Interior.” It is possible that some of Douris's paintings may reflect the now lost monumental mural paintings of Classical Greece.

Additional Reading
Diana M. Buitron-Oliver, Douris: A Master-Painter of Athenian Red-Figure Vases (1995).

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