Bowie, Jim

Bowie, Jim

born 1796?, Logan county, Ky., U.S.
died March 6, 1836, San Antonio, Texas

U.S. soldier.

Bowie migrated with his parents to Missouri (1800) and then to Louisiana (1802), where later he owned a sugar plantation and served in the state legislature. In 1828 he settled in Texas, assumed Mexican citizenship, acquired land grants, and married the vice-governor's daughter. In opposition to Mexican legislation to curb the immigration of U.S. settlers, he joined the Texas revolutionary movement and became a colonel in the Texas army. He is remembered for his gallant role in the defense of the Alamo. He invented the knife that bears his name. He became a legendary hero through Western song and ballad.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Bowie, Jim — orig. James Bowie (¿1796? cond. de Logan, Ky., EE.UU. –6 mar. 1836, San Antonio, Texas). Militar estadounidense. Migró con sus padres a Missouri (1800) y luego a Luisiana (1802), donde posteriormente fue dueño de una plantación de caña de azúcar… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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