Bonnet, Georges-Étienne

Bonnet, Georges-Étienne
born July 23, 1889, Bassillac, France
died June 18, 1973, Paris

French politician.

Elected to the Chamber of Deputies (1924–40), he became a leader of the Radical-Socialist Party. He served as finance minister (1937–38) and foreign minister (1938–39) and was a prominent supporter of appeasement of Nazi Germany. He also supported the Vichy regime. After the liberation, proceedings against him were started but dropped. He was expelled from the Radical Party in 1944, readmitted in 1952, and again expelled in 1955. He later served in the Chamber of Deputies (1956–68).

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▪ French politician
born July 23, 1889, Bassillac, Fr.
died June 18, 1973, Paris
 leader in the French Radical-Socialist Party and minister of foreign affairs immediately preceding World War II, who was a prominent supporter of appeasement of Nazi Germany.

      Bonnet studied at the Sorbonne, graduating in law and political science. His marriage to the niece of a prominent politician launched his political career. After minor ministerial and legal positions, he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies (1924–28 and 1929–40). Appointed undersecretary of state in 1925, he continued to serve in high ministerial positions throughout the 1930s and was named ambassador to the United States in 1936.

      After the defeat of Léon Blum's Popular Front government in 1937, Bonnet was named finance minister under Camille Chautemps. In April 1938 he became foreign minister under Édouard Daladier and in this capacity supported the Munich agreement, which allowed Adolf Hitler to occupy the Czech Sudetenland. Bonnet continued to pursue a program of appeasement until the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, when he was demoted to justice minister. He left that post on the resignation of Daladier in March 1940. Bonnet argued in favour of the French armistice, supported the Vichy regime, and was appointed to the National Council (1941–42). Yet he refused other office and left France before the Allied invasion. After the liberation, proceedings were started against him but were dropped. Expelled from the Radical Party in 1944, he was readmitted in 1952 only to be expelled again in 1955 for his opposition to Pierre Mendès-France. Later, he was again elected to the Chamber of Deputies (1956–68). Le Quai d'Orsay (1961) is a book of memoirs.

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