
or Bardaisan

born July 11, 154, Edessa, Syria
died с 222, Edessa

Syrian Gnostic Christian and speculative thinker.

He converted to Christianity in 179 and became a missionary. He attacked the fatalism of the Greek philosophers and, showing the influence of Gnosticism, ascribed the creation of the world, the Devil, and evil to a hierarchy of gods rather than to the supreme God. His chief written work, The Dialogue of Destiny, is the oldest known example of Syriac literature. He is also remembered for his Syriac hymns.

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▪ Syrian scholar
also called  Bardaisan, or Bar Daiṣān  
born July 11, 154, Edessa, Syria, [now Urfa, Tur.]
died c. 222, , Edessa

      a leading representative of Syrian Gnosticism. Bardesanes was a pioneer of the Christian faith in Syria who embarked on missionary work after his conversion in 179.

      His chief writing, The Dialogue of Destiny, or The Book of the Laws of the Countries, recorded by a disciple, Philip, is the oldest known original composition in Syriac literature. Bardesanes attacked the fatalism of the Greek philosophers after Aristotle (4th century BC), particularly regarding the influence of the stars on human destiny. Mingling Christian influence with Gnostic teaching, he denied the creation of the world, of Satan, and of evil by the supreme God, attributing them to a hierarchy of deities.

      Aided by his son Harmonius, Bardesanes wrote many of the first Syriac hymns to popularize his teachings. Their literary value earned for him renown in the history of Syriac poetry and music.

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