
Any member of the Bābī movement who remained faithful to the teachings of the Bāb and his chosen successor, Mīrzā Yahya, known as Ṣobḥ-e Azal, after the movement split in 1863.

For 13 years after the Bāb's execution, followers recognized Ṣobḥ-e Azal as their leader. Then Ṣobḥ-e Azal's half-brother, Bahā Ullāh, privately declared himself to be the prophet whose coming the Bāb had foretold. The Azalīs rejected him, but most Bābīs followed him, establishing the Bahāī faith in 1867. Now located almost exclusively in Iran, the Azalīs probably number no more than a few thousand.

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      any member of the (Bāb, the) Bābī movement (followers of a 19th-century Iranian prophet, the Bāb) who chose to remain faithful to the Bāb's teachings and to his chosen successor, Mirza Yaḥya, given the religious title Ṣobḥ-e Azal, after a split in the movement occurred in 1863. For about 13 years after the Bāb's execution (1850), his followers acknowledged Ṣobḥ-e Azal as their lawful leader. In 1863, when Ṣobḥ-e Azal's half-brother Bahāʾ Ullāh privately declared himself “him whom God shall manifest”—a new prophet foretold by the Bāb—the Bābī community polarized. The Azalīs rejected the divine claims of Bahāʾ Ullāh as premature, arguing that the world must first accept Bābī laws in order to be ready for “him whom God shall manifest.” Most Bābīs, however, favoured Bahāʾ Ullāh and, after the public manifestation of his mission in 1867, began the development of a new religion, the Bahāʾī faith.

      The Azalīs have retained the original teachings of the Bāb's Bayān (“Revelation”) and supplemented them with the instructions of Ṣobḥ-e Azal. Numerically they have remained considerably outnumbered by the Bahāʾīs. See also Bāb, the. (Bāb, the)

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Universalium. 2010.

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