Adams, Henry (Brooks)

Adams, Henry (Brooks)
born Feb. 16, 1838, Boston, Mass., U.S.
died March 27, 1918, Washington, D.C.

U.S. historian and man of letters.

A product of Boston's elite Brahmin class and a descendant of two presidents, he was infused with disgust for American politics of his time. As a young newspaper correspondent and editor, he called for social and political reforms, but he later became disillusioned with a world he characterized as devoid of principle. That loss of faith was reflected in his novel Democracy (1880). His study of U.S. democracy culminated in his nine-volume History of the United States of America (1889–91), which received immediate acclaim. In Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres (1913) he described the medieval worldview as reflected in its architecture. The Education of Henry Adams (1918), his best-known work and one of the outstanding autobiographies of Western literature, traced his confrontations with the uncertainties of the 20th century.

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  • Adams,Henry Brooks — Adams, Henry Brooks. 1838 1918. American historian noted for his nine volume History of the United States during the Administrations of Jefferson and Madison (1889 1891). He also wrote a famous autobiography, The Education of Henry Adams (1918).… …   Universalium

  • Adams, Henry (Brooks) — (16 feb. 1838, Boston, Mass., EE.UU.–27 mar. 1918, Washington, D.C.). Historiador y literato estadounidense. Heredero de la elite bostoniana de los brahmines y descendiente de dos presidentes, a Adams se le infundió un profundo desprecio por los… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Adams, Henry Brooks —    см. Адамс, Генри Брукс …   Писатели США. Краткие творческие биографии

  • Henry Brooks Adams — Henry Adams Henry Brooks Adams (* 16. Februar 1838 in Boston, Massachusetts; † 27. März 1918 in Washington (D.C.)) war ein US amerikanischer Historiker und Kulturphilosoph. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Henry Brooks Adams — Henry Brooks Adams. Henry Brooks Adams (16 de febrero de 1838, Boston, Massachusetts 27 de marzo de 1918, Washington D.C.) fue un hombre de letras e historiador estadounidense. Siendo parte de la élite bráhmana de Boston y descendiente de dos… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Henry Brooks Adams — Henry Adams (historien) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Henry Adams. Henry Adams Henry Brooks Adams (16 février 1838 27 mars 1918) fut un historien américain …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Henry Brooks Adams — (February 16 1838 ndash; March 27 1918) was an American novelist, journalist, historian and academic. He is best known for his autobiographical book, The Education of Henry Adams . He was a member of the Adams political family.Early lifeHe was… …   Wikipedia

  • Adams, Henry — ▪ American historian born Feb. 16, 1838, Boston died March 27, 1918, Washington, D.C.       historian, man of letters, and author of one of the outstanding autobiographies of Western literature, The Education of Henry Adams.       Adams was the… …   Universalium

  • Henry Adams — Henry Brooks Adams (* 16. Februar 1838 in Boston, Massachusetts; † 27. März 1918 in Washington D.C.) war ein US amerikanischer Historiker und Kulturphilosoph. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Henry adams (historien) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Henry Adams. Henry Adams Henry Brooks Adams (16 février 1838 27 mars 1918) fut un historien américain …   Wikipédia en Français

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