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  • intentionalist — noun an advocate of intentionalism …   Wiktionary

  • Functionalism versus intentionalism — Functionalism (or structuralism) versus intentionalism is a historiographical debate about the origins of the Holocaust as well as most aspects of the Third Reich, such as foreign policy. The debate on the origins of the Holocaust centers on… …   Wikipedia

  • Twelfth century (The) — The twelfth century John Marenbon INTRODUCTION The twelfth century began and ended with events which mark it off, at least symbolically, as a discrete period in the history of Western philosophy. It was in about 1100 that Abelard the most wide… …   History of philosophy

  • Raul Hilberg — (June 2, 1926 August 4, 2007) was an Austrian born American political scientist and historian. He was widely considered to be the doyen of the postwar generation of Holocaust scholars, and his three volume, 1,273 page magnum opus , The… …   Wikipedia

  • Authorial intentionality — In literary theory and aesthetics, authorial intentionality is a concept referring to an author s intent as it is encoded in his or her work.Literary theoryIn literary studies, the question of the validity of the methods of determining authorial… …   Wikipedia

  • Saul Friedländer — (born October 11, 1932) is a Pulitzer Prize winning Czech French Israeli American historian. [cite news| url= pulitzers.html?ex=1365307200 en=bd7dfc9218ef7f86 ei=5124 partner=permalink… …   Wikipedia

  • Responsibility for the Holocaust — Historians differ as to where the responsibility for the Holocaust lies. Intentionalist historians such as Lucy Dawidowicz argue that Hitler planned the extermination of the Jewish people from as early as 1918, and that he personally oversaw its… …   Wikipedia

  • Originalism — Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States, by Howard Chandler Christy …   Wikipedia

  • Hossbach Memorandum — The Hossbach Memorandum was the summary of a meeting on November 5 1937 between German dictator Adolf Hitler and his military and foreign policy leadership. The meeting marked a turning point in Hitlers foreign policies, which then began to… …   Wikipedia

  • Gerhard Weinberg — (1957 1959).Youth and EducationWeinberg was born in Hanover, Germany, and resided there the first ten years of his life. As Jews in Nazi Germany, he and his family suffered increasing persecution. They emigrated in 1938, first to the United… …   Wikipedia

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