
/zin"ee euh/, n.
any of several composite plants of the genus Zinnia, native to Mexico and adjacent areas, esp. the widely cultivated species Z. elegans, having variously colored, many-rayed flower heads.
[1760-70; < NL, named after J. G. Zinn (1727-59), German botanist; see -IA]

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Any of about 22 species of herbaceous plants and shrubs that make up the genus Zinnia (composite family), native mainly to North America.

Where native, they are perennial; elsewhere they are annual. Zinnias have stiff, hairy stems and oval or lance-shaped leaves arranged opposite each other and often clasping the stem. The numerous garden varieties grown for their showy, solitary flowers come from the species Z. elegans. Garden zinnias range from dwarf compact plants (less than 1 ft, or 30 cm, tall), with flowers 1 in. (2.5 cm) in diameter, to giant forms (up to 3 ft, or 1 m, tall), with flowers up to 6 in. (15 cm) across.

Zinnia elegans

Kenneth and Brenda Formanek

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 any of about 11 species of herbs and shrubs constituting the genus Zinnia of the family Asteraceae (Compositae), and native primarily to North America. They are perennial where they are native—from the southern United States to Chile, being especially abundant in Mexico—but are annual elsewhere.

      Zinnias have stiff, hairy stems and oval or lance-shaped leaves arranged opposite each other and often clasping the stem. The numerous garden varieties grown for their showy flowers are derived from the species Zinnia violacea (Z. elegans). The solitary flower heads are borne at the ends of branches, growing at the junction of a bract (leaflike structure) and the receptacle. The flowers occur in a wide range of colours except blue. Different types of garden zinnias range from dwarf compact plants less than 0.3 metre (1 foot) tall with flowers 2.5 cm (1 inch) in diameter to giant forms up to 1 metre tall, with flowers up to 15 cm (6 inches) across. A less well-known species of zinnia is Z. angustifolia, which grows 0.5 metre tall and has small yellow or orange blossoms.

      Some zinnias may appear ungainly and coarse in habit, but they have redeeming qualities; they flower freely and long and bear up under full sun, drought, and neglect as do few other garden plants.

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Universalium. 2010.

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