
/rek/, n.
1. any building, structure, or thing reduced to a state of ruin.
2. wreckage, goods, etc., remaining above water after a shipwreck, esp. when cast ashore.
3. the ruin or destruction of a vessel in the course of navigation; shipwreck.
4. a vessel in a state of ruin from disaster at sea, on rocks, etc.
5. the ruin or destruction of anything: the wreck of one's hopes.
6. a person of ruined health; someone in bad shape physically or mentally: The strain of his work left him a wreck.
7. to cause the wreck of (a vessel); shipwreck.
8. to involve in a wreck.
9. to cause the ruin or destruction of: to wreck a car.
10. to tear down; demolish: to wreck a building.
11. to ruin or impair severely: Fast living wrecked their health.
12. to be involved in a wreck; become wrecked: The trains wrecked at the crossing.
13. to act as a wrecker; engage in wrecking.
[1200-50; (n.) ME wrec, wrech, wrek < ODan wraekae wreck; (v.) late ME, deriv. of the n.]
Syn. 9. destroy, devastate, shatter. See spoil.

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