Winchester disk — Computers. a hard disk that is permanently mounted in its unit. Also called Winchester. [1970 75; orig. an IBM code name; the designation for a device containing two such disks was 3030 (each disk containing 30 megabytes), the same as the model… … Useful english dictionary
winchester disk — standusis diskas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Duomenų ↑laikmena, sudaryta iš daugelio ↑disko plokštelių. Svarbiausia duomenų laikmena, naudojama šiuolaikiniuose kompiuteriuose. Dar vartojama kietasis diskas . atitikmenys: angl. hard… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Winchester disk — Win′chester disk′ n. cmp a hard disk permanently mounted in a hermetically sealed unit that is housed either within a computer s CPU or in an external disk drive case • Etymology: 1970–75; from the designation for the prototype, 3030 (two disks… … From formal English to slang
Winchester Disk — A type of rigid disk … International financial encyclopaedia
Winchester Disk Drive — A computer peripheral device for reading from and writing data to winchester disks … International financial encyclopaedia
Winchester Disk — Festplattenlaufwerk mit zusammen luftdicht isolierten Magnetplatte(n) und Schreib /Lesekopf … Acronyms
Winchester Disk — Festplattenlaufwerk mit zusammen luftdicht isolierten Magnetplatte(n) und Schreib /Lesekopf … Acronyms von A bis Z
Winchester (disambiguation) — Winchester is a historic city in southern England.Winchester may also refer to:**Winchester Cathedral, a cathedral located in Winchester **Winchester College, a public school in Winchester **University of Winchester, a university in Winchester… … Wikipedia
Winchester — [ wɪntʃɪstə] noun 1》 (also Winchester rifle) trademark a breech loading side action repeating rifle. 2》 (also Winchester disk or drive) Computing a disk drive in a sealed unit containing a high capacity hard disk and the read write heads. Origin… … English new terms dictionary
Winchester — /win ches teuhr, cheuh steuhr/, n. 1. a city in Hampshire, in S England: cathedral; capital of the early Wessex kingdom and of medieval England. 88,700. 2. a town in E Massachusetts, near Boston. 20,701. 3. a city in N Virginia: Civil War battles … Universalium