- well-shaped
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Well-shaped — Чётко обозначенный; имеющий определённую форму; рельефный … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
well-shaped — having a good form, having a nice figure … English contemporary dictionary
well-shaped — adj … Useful english dictionary
well-built — Synonyms and related words: Junoesque, able bodied, adamantine, agreeable, amply endowed, assembled, athletic, becoming, bonny, braw, brawny, broad shouldered, built, built for comfort, bulky, burly, buxom, callipygian, callipygous, cast, comely … Moby Thesaurus
well-made — Synonyms and related words: Junoesque, adamantine, agreeable, amply endowed, assembled, becoming, bonny, braw, built, built for comfort, bulky, buxom, callipygian, callipygous, cast, clean, clean cut, comely, constructed, crafted, created,… … Moby Thesaurus
Well of Souls — The Well of Souls (Arabic: Bir el Arweh ) is the name of a natural cave located immediately beneath the Sakhrah (the Foundation Stone) in the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In addition to a small well shaped hole in the stone… … Wikipedia
Shaped canvas — Shaped canvases are paintings that depart from the normal flat, rectangular configuration. Canvases may be shaped by altering their contours, while retaining their flatness. An ancient, traditional example is the tondo , a painting on a round… … Wikipedia
Shaped by Fate — are a 5 piece metalcore band from South Wales (UK), formed in late 2001.Lauded by Kerrang as the future of British Metalcore , Shaped By Fate are one of the South Wales scene s most influential veteran bands, having toured all over the UK and… … Wikipedia
well-turned — well′ turned′ adj. 1) gracefully shaped: a well turned ankle[/ex] 2) gracefully and concisely expressed: a well turned phrase[/ex] 3) turned or contoured skillfully or smoothly: a well turned archway[/ex] • Etymology: 1610–20 … From formal English to slang
well-turned — [wel′tʉrnd′] adj. 1. gracefully formed or shaped [a well turned ankle] 2. expressed or worded well [a well turned phrase] … English World dictionary