- well-gifted
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
well-gifted — adj … Useful english dictionary
Gifted education — (also known as Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), Talented and Gifted (TAG), or G/T) is a broad term for special practices, procedures and theories used in the education of children who have been identified as gifted or talented. There is no… … Wikipedia
Gifted Education Programme (Singapore) — The Gifted Education Programme (GEP) is a Singaporean academic programme designed for the top 1% of pupils, identified in two rounds of tests at the end of Primary 3.HistoryThe Gifted Education Programme was first implemented in Singapore in 1984 … Wikipedia
Gifted Rating Scales — The GRS is a scholastic assessment for school children. It is used mostly for Gifted Talented admissions. It is administered by a teacher who knows the child well. The teacher rates specific gifted behaviors that they have observed over time.As… … Wikipedia
gifted — gift|ed [ˈgıftıd] adj having a natural ability to do one or more things extremely well →↑talented gifted musician/artist/teacher etc ▪ She was an extremely gifted poet. academically/musically/athletically etc gifted ▪ his musically gifted son… … Dictionary of contemporary English
gifted — [[t]gɪ̱ftɪd[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED Someone who is gifted has a natural ability to do something well. ...one of the most gifted players in the world... He was witty, amusing and gifted with a sharp business brain. Syn: talented 2) ADJ GRADED A gifted… … English dictionary
gifted — adjective having a natural ability to do one or more things extremely well: a gifted pianist | gifted child (=one who is extremely intelligent) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
gifted — adj 1. talented, well endowed; skillful, skilled, dexterous, adroit, deft, Brit. Dial. feat; expert, masterful, masterly, Fr. aufait; topflight, top drawer, first rate, Inf. topnotch, ace, Inf. crack, Sl. crackerjack, Sl. on the ball, Inf. whiz… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
School for the Talented & Gifted — Infobox School name = School for the Talented Gifted type = Public, Secondary location = 1201 E. Eighth St. Dallas, TX 75203 imagesize = 100px district = Dallas Independent School District grades = 9 12 principal = F. Michael Satarino [http://www … Wikipedia
Pittsburgh Gifted Center — Infobox School name = Pittsburgh Gifted Center motto = established = type = Public affiliation = district = Pittsburgh Public Schools grades = 1 ndash;8 president = principal = Dr. Jerry Minsinger head of school = dean = faculty = staff =… … Wikipedia