
in·fer·til·i·ty (ĭn'fər-tĭlʹĭ-) n.
1. Absent or diminished fertility.
2. The persistent inability to conceive a child.

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Inability of a couple to conceive and reproduce.

It is defined as failure to conceive after one year of regular intercourse without contraception. Inability to conceive when desired can result from a defect at any of the stages required for fertility (see reproductive system). About one in every eight couples is infertile. Most cases involve the female partner, 3040% involve the male, and 10% are caused by unknown factors. In women, causes include ovulation or hormone problems, fallopian-tube disorders, and a chemical balance that is hostile to sperm; in men, causes include impotence, low sperm count, and sperm abnormalities. Either partner can have a blockage of the pathways the sperm must travel, often treatable by surgery. Emotional factors may contribute; return of normal fertility may require only counseling. Fertility drugs can stimulate the release of eggs (often more than one, leading to multiple births). Low sperm count may be overcome by limiting intercourse to the time of ovulation, the most fertile period. If these methods are unsuccessful, couples may try artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, or surrogate motherhood, or they may choose adoption instead.

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medical disorder
 the inability of a couple to conceive and reproduce. Infertility is defined as the failure to conceive after one year of regular intercourse without contraception or the inability of a woman to carry a pregnancy to a live birth. Infertility can affect either the male or the female and can result from a number of causes. About 1 in every 10 couples is infertile, or somewhere between 10 and 15 percent of the population.

      Normal fertility depends on the production of a sufficient number of healthy, motile sperm by the male, delivery of those cells into the vagina, successful passage of the sperm through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes (fallopian tube), and penetration of a normal ovum (egg) by one of the sperm. A successful pregnancy also requires that the fertilized ovum subsequently become implanted in the lining of the female uterus. A problem at any one of these stages can result in a couple's infertility.

      Factors that can have deleterious effects on reproductive capacity in both men and women include previous and current alcohol consumption and drug use, a history of sexually transmitted diseases (sexually transmitted disease) (STDs), and a number of general medical problems.The impact of smoking on reproduction is considerable. Cigarette smoke is known to contain hundreds of toxic substances, the negative health effects of which have been well documented. By interfering with the production of sperm, smoking can adversely affect male fertility. In women, smoking can affect different stages in the reproductive process, from the pickup of the egg by the fallopian tube to the growth and development of the fetus.

      The inability to conceive when desired has been a problem throughout recorded history. The development of modern infertility treatments has enabled many infertile men and women to produce children. However, these treatments have raised many concerns because they significantly increase the chances for multiple births (multiple birth) (multiple fetuses (fetus) carried to term in a single pregnancy). Multiple births are extremely risky; the babies who survive gestation are often born prematurely and at very low birth weights. These babies are further predisposed to physical, mental, and developmental health problems, as well as neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy.

Female infertility
      Female infertility may be caused by ovulatory, cervical, and uterine factors, as well as by advanced age. Repeated abortions (abortion) followed by dilatation and curettage (dilation of the cervix (uterine cervix) and scraping of the endometrial lining) can cause intrauterine scar formation and thereby interfere with implantation of the fertilized egg. The presence of adhesions (rubbery or filmy bands of scar tissue) in and around the fallopian tubes interferes with the ability of the tube to take up the egg after it has been released from an ovary; it can also affect movement of the sperm through the tube. Congenital anatomic deformities of the uterus may contribute to infertility by causing recurrent miscarriages. Another cause of infertility is gonadal dysgenesis, a condition in which the ovaries form but contain no eggs.

Aging (human aging)
      Female fertility begins declining when a woman is in her mid-30s, about 10 years before the onset of menopause. Age-related decline in fertility is a consequence of both a decrease in the woman's ovarian function and a reduction in her ovaries' reserve of eggs. An important marker of this process is a hormone called FSH ( follicle-stimulating hormone), which controls the development of eggs in the ovaries and occurs in elevated levels in the blood during menopause. In addition, with increasing age in women there is increased risk for chromosomal abnormalities (chromosomal disorder) in the fetusmost notably, Down syndrome. An increase in the incidence of miscarriages is also seen in older women. This means that even if normal fertilization takes place, the resulting embryo has a decreased chance of implanting normally. The reason for this reduced implantation rate is not entirely clear but probably has more to do with the poor quality of the egg than it does with any abnormality in the woman's uterine environment. Successful pregnancies have been achieved in older women who have undergone in vitro fertilization (IVF) with a donor egg from a young woman.

Disorders of ovulation
       ovulation disorders are responsible for approximately 25 percent of female infertility problems. Anovulation (failure to ovulate) and oligoovulation (irregular ovulatory cycles) are among the most common disorders. There are several tests that can be used to determine whether ovulation is occurring on a regular basis. For example, daily measurements of basal body temperature can be charted and used to track progesterone production by the corpus luteum; progesterone increases a woman's body temperature by about 0.5 °C (1 °F) around mid-cycle, indicating that ovulation has occurred. Another way ovulatory status can be confirmed is by testing the urine for preovulatory elevation of LH ( luteinizing hormone), a hormone that controls the development of eggs in the ovaries. Sensitive LH test kits, which a woman can use at home, detect increases of this hormone. Examination of the ovaries by pelvic ultrasound can also determine whether ovulation is occurring. In addition, progesterone levels in the blood can be measured; an elevated level of the hormone is an indication that ovulation has occurred.

Damage of the fallopian tubes (fallopian tube)
      Blockage and scarring of the fallopian tubesthe passageways for the sperm and eggare other common causes of infertility. A number of conditions can result in tubal scarring or obstruction, including untreated pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), an infection of the upper reproductive tract; PID often follows infection with an STD, such as gonorrhea or Chlamydia. The traditional test for evaluating the patency (openness) of the fallopian tubes is a radiological exam called hysterosalpingography. Dye injected through the cervix flows into the uterus and through the fallopian tubes. X-rays (X-ray) can then precisely define abnormalities in the fallopian tubes; spillage of the dye into the abdominal cavity is an indication of tubal patency. A more direct procedure for evaluating the fallopian tubes is salpingoscopy. A flexible fibre-optic instrument with camera attachments is introduced into the abdominal cavity. This procedure allows detection of subtle abnormalities in the lining of the fallopian tube that can contribute to infertility. Salpingoscopyscoresare assigned on the basis of the extent of abnormalities found in the tube; the scores have been shown to be highly predictive of the ability to achieve pregnancy. The falloposcope is another device that permits visualization of the interior of the entire fallopian tube. A flexible guidewire is introduced through a catheter into the fallopian tube to the point of obstruction. The wire is then removed, and a tiny camera with an outer diameter of no more than 0.5 mm (0.02 inch), attached to another wire, photographs the area of obstruction and allows the overall quality of the tubal lining to be assessed.

      Microsurgical reconstruction of the fallopian tube can be used to remove an obstruction and, as a result, correct the underlying fertility problem. Less-invasive techniques also may be used to unblock obstructed fallopian tubes. For example, balloon tuboplasty involves the insertion of a catheter through the cervix into the fallopian tube to the point of obstruction; a small deflated balloon is then inserted through the catheter and inflated to dilate the tube. Aqueous dissection (flushing with water) is another method for eliminating blockages; this is often done during falloposcopy to flush out tube-obstructing mucus plugs. When these procedures are successful, other fertility treatments may not be needed.

Uterine fibroids
      Uterine fibroids (also called uterine leiomyomata), which occur in one in every four or five American women, are benign tumours (tumour) that originate from the smooth muscle cells within the muscular wall of the uterus. Fibroids can cause excessive uterine bleeding and pain, as well as a sensation of pressure in the uterus, and may contribute to infertility by interfering with egg implantation or by compressing the opening of the fallopian tubes so that the sperm are prevented from reaching the egg. Occasionally, excision of fibroids that are protruding into the endometrial cavity is necessary.

       endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus, which is normally shed during menstruation, grows outside the uterine cavity. It is estimated to affect 1 in 10 women of reproductive age. Common symptoms are pain before, during, and after the menstrual period, pain during sexual intercourse, and spotting (bleeding between periods), though some women experience no symptoms. The condition is diagnosed and assessed by laparoscopy, an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. In most cases a 5- to 10-mm (0.2- to 0.4-inch) incision is made just below the navel, after which the abdominal cavity is distended with carbon dioxide gas. The physician then inserts a narrow lighted tube that allows visualization of the entire reproductive anatomy. Depending on the nature and extent of the endometrial growths, laparoscopic surgical procedures may be undertaken at the same time, using instruments that are guided into the abdominal cavity through additional small incisions in the abdomen. The goal of surgical therapy is to excise or destroy all endometrial growths without damaging adjacent tissues. The use of various medications is an alternative to surgery. Agents used in the treatment of endometriosis include GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) agonists, which act on the pituitary gland; various progesterone preparations; danazol, a testosterone derivative; and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen or naprosyn (naproxen). Medication offers the advantage of being able to treat lesions that may not have been detected visually, and it avoids complications associated with postoperative scarring. Treatment of endometriosiswhether by drugs, surgery, or a combination of bothoften alleviates infertility. However, some women, even after treatment, may still be unable to conceive.

Treatment (therapeutics) options
      Another infertility treatment is in vitro fertilization (IVF), in which ova are removed from the female's body, fertilized by sperm in the laboratory, and returned to the uterus for normal gestation. The first successful in vitro fertilization was carried out in England in 1978. Another procedure, called gamete intrafallopian transfer, or GIFT, is a variation of IVF. After the ovaries have been stimulated and mature oocytes collected, the latter are mixed with sperm and, under laparoscopic guidance, placed in the unobstructed fallopian tube. Fertilization then occurs naturallyinside the body (in vivo)—rather than in the laboratory. This procedure is usually used when a woman has at least one normal fallopian tube; however, unlike standard IVF, GIFT requires anesthesia. Zygote intrafallopian transfer, or ZIFT, is another IVF variationone that is generally reserved for women who have cervical damage but at least one unblocked fallopian tube. As in IVF, oocytes are removed and fertilized in the laboratory. Before it divides (i.e., at the zygote, or pronuclear, stage), the fertilized egg is transferred to the unblocked fallopian tube. ZIFT and IVF have an advantage over GIFT in that fertilization has already occurred. A controversial risk associated with these procedures is multiple births; for example, more than one-third of IVF pregnancies result in twins (twin) or triplets, and 1 percent result in even higher-order multiples.

      Several drugs, notably clomiphene citrate, bromocriptine, and human menopausal gonadotropin, have been very successful in correcting hormonal imbalances that cause erratic or absent ovulation. However, thesefertility drugsalso increase a woman's chances of having multiple births, owing to the release of more than one egg at ovulation under the influence of the drug.

Male infertility
 The causes of male infertility include problems with sperm production, blockage of the sperm-delivery system, the presence of antibodies (antibody) against sperm, testicular injury, anatomic abnormalities, and the presence of a varicose vein around the testicle (varicocele)—all of which can affect sperm quality or quantity.

Abnormalities of sperm production
      Sperm number, concentration, motility, and morphology (shape) are usually assessed by means of a microscopic examination of the semen. Sperm count is the total number of sperm in the ejaculate; counts vary widely, but values below 20 million are usually considered low. Low sperm count is generally referred to as oligospermia. In some cases, male infertility is caused by complete absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, a condition known as azoospermia. This condition can be caused by an obstruction of the genital tract, by testicular dysfunction associated with congenital disorders (congenital disorder) such as sickle cell disease, or by various illnesses.

      Sperm concentration is the number of sperm per cubic centimetre of semen. Sperm concentrations of 20 million to 250 million per cubic centimetre are usually considered normal, but fertilization of an egg can be achieved by men with values well below this range. Older men produce fewer and less-motile sperm, and advancing age is associated with a drop in circulating testosterone levels, as well as a decrease in the overall functioning of the testicles.

Treatment options
      If production of sperm is low, couples are typically encouraged to limit their frequency of intercourse and to time their intercourse to coincide with periods of ovulation in the female. A physical blockage of the pathways by which the sperm must travel can in many cases be corrected by surgery to eliminate adhesions that have closed the tubal pathways or to remove obstructive growths such as cysts (cyst) that may be present.

      Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a treatment for men with very low sperm counts or with sperm that for some other reason are unable to fertilize an egg. The first child conceived by this method was born in 1992. ICSI involves the direct injection of a single sperm into the cytoplasm (cell material surrounding the nucleus) of an egg that has been retrieved for IVF. If a man has an obstruction in the genital tract that prevents sperm from moving through the genital ducts, sperm can be taken directly from the epididymis (epididyme), the coiled channels that provide nourishment to the sperm. This is done by using a needle in a procedure known as microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration (MESA). Eggs that are successfully fertilized are placed in the woman's uterus.

       artificial insemination is an alternative method of treating infertility. If the male is normally fertile but for some reason is not transmitting sufficient sperm, he may donate semen whose sperm cells can be concentrated and then introduced into the woman's uterus artificially.

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