
/vaw"laws/, n.
a seaport in E Thessaly, in E Greece: ancient ruins. 51,100.

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      port, the third largest of Greece (after Piraeus and Thessaloníki). It lies at the head of the Gulf of Pagasitikós (Vólos) on the east coast of Thessaly. Vólos is the capital of the nomós (department) of Magnisía and of the eparkhía (“eparchy”) of Vólos, as well as seat of the Orthodox bishop of Demetrias.

      Since 1956 excavations have been carried out on two Mycenaean palaces in the old town, Áno Vólos. Áno Vólos was the site of ancient Iolcos, inhabited since the beginning of the Bronze Age (c. 2500 BC) and capital of Mycenaean Thessaly. The Neolithic towns of Sesklo and Dimini also stood near present-day Vólos, and just south of it are the ruins of Pagasae, a prominent port from Mycenaean to late Classical times. In 293 BC Pagasae was eclipsed by the newly founded Macedonian town of Demetrias to the north of it.

      A bishopric in the Byzantine Empire, Demetrias in 902 survived destruction by Saracen pirates. Vólos grew dramatically after 1881 when it was ceded, along with Thessaly, by Turkey to Greece.

      The modern industrial district of Vólos is built around the gulf. The old town, a suburb with houses built up to 2,500 feet (750 m) above sea level, rises on the spurs of Mount Pelion. The port developed industrially after the establishment of a direct ferry service to Ṭarṭūs, Syria, circumventing the long overland trip through Turkey. From the port are shipped the various products of the Thessalian plain, including cereals, wine, cotton, chromite, cement, yarns, fresh fruit, tobacco, olives, and olive oil. Vólos has an important archaeological museum. Pop. (1981) 71,378.

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Universalium. 2010.

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