vocational education

vocational education
educational training that provides practical experience in a particular occupational field, as agriculture, home economics, or industry.

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      instruction intended to equip persons for industrial or commercial occupations. It may be obtained either formally in trade schools, technical secondary schools, or in on-the-job training programs or, more informally, by picking up the necessary skills on the job.

      Vocational education in schools is a relatively modern development. Until the 19th century such education, except for the professions, was provided only by apprenticeship. This situation was partly due to the low social status associated with such instruction as opposed to a classical curriculum, which was considered “necessary for a gentleman.” With the growth of industrialization during the 19th century, however, several European countries, notably Germany, began introducing vocational education in elementary and secondary schools. In Great Britain, however, opposition to vocational education persisted into the 20th century, although a few trade and junior technical schools were established by local authorities before World War II. By the late 19th century public (common) school vocational education in the United States consisted of manual training and practical arts. These programs were gradually expanded until 1917 when federal aid was provided to public schools for trade and industrial, agricultural, and homemaking courses.

      After World War II the demand for trained paraprofessionals in the relatively new fields of computer science, electronics, and medical services led to an increased interest in short-term postsecondary specialized training programs in these areas as an alternative to a traditional college education.

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Universalium. 2010.

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