
/veuh nair"euh/; Russ. /vyi nye"rddeuh/, n.
one of a series of Soviet space probes that obtained scientific information about the atmosphere of Venus.
[1961; < Russ Venéra VENUS ( < L Vener-, s. of Venus)]

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Any of a series of unmanned Soviet planetary probes sent to Venus 1965–83.

Venera 2 flew to within 25,000 mi (40,000 km) of Venus in 1966; a few days later, Venera 3 crash-landed on its surface, becoming the first spacecraft to strike another planet. Later missions analyzed Venus's atmosphere, made soft landings, detected certain long-lived radioactive isotopes (chiefly uranium and thorium), sent back the first close-up photographs of the planet's surface, and mapped the surface of the northern hemisphere with radar (by Venera 15 and 16, the last two of the series).

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▪ Soviet space probes
 any of a series of unmanned Soviet planetary probes that were sent to Venus. Venera 2 (launched 1965) flew to within 24,000 km (15,000 miles) of Venus in February 1966, and Venera 3 crash-landed on its surface the following month, becoming the first spacecraft to strike another planet. Venera 4 (launched 1967), an atmospheric probe that descended toward the surface by parachute, analyzed the chemical composition of Venus's upper atmosphere and provided scientists with the first direct measurements for a model of the planet's atmospheric makeup. Veneras 5 and 6 (1969) were also atmospheric probes; like Venera 4, they succumbed to Venus's extreme heat and pressure and ceased transmitting data before reaching the surface.

      Venera 7 (1970), a lander, made the first successful soft touchdown on another planet. The Venera 8 lander (1972) measured concentrations of certain long-lived radioactive isotopes that hinted at a rock composition similar to granite or other igneous rocks on Earth. The Venera 9 and 10 landers (1975) sent back the first close-up photographs (in black and white) of the surface of another planet. Veneras 11 and 12 (1978) conducted detailed chemical measurements of the Venusian atmosphere on their way to soft landings. The Venera 13 and 14 landers (1981) analyzed a number of nonradioactive elements in the surface rocks, finding them similar to earthly basalts; the landers also returned colour images of rocky landscapes bathed in yellow-orange sunlight that filtered through the clouds. Veneras 15 and 16 (1983) were orbiters equipped with the first high-resolution imaging radar systems flown to another planet; they mapped about a quarter of Venus's surface, primarily around the north pole. Two related Soviet spacecraft, Vega (a Russian acronym for Venus-Halley) 1 and Vega 2 (1984), flew past Venus en route to successful flybys of Halley's Comet in 1986. Each released a Venera-style lander and an atmospheric balloon to investigate the Venusian middle cloud layer.

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Universalium. 2010.

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