- unwritable
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
unwritable — adj. that cannot be written. * * * “+ adjective : incapable of being put into writing an unwritable sound * * * adj. * * * unwritˈable (↑writable) adj(1) • • • Main Entry: ↑un … Useful english dictionary
unwritable — adjective Not writable. Syn: read only … Wiktionary
unwritable — adjective not able to be written … English new terms dictionary
unwritable — un·writable … English syllables
Nicaraguan Sign Language — Idioma de Señas de Nicaragua, ISN Signed in Nicaragua Region The Managua region, but spreading throughout the country Native signers 3,000 (estimated in 1997; no official census da … Wikipedia
Programmable metallization cell — The programmable metallization cell, or PMC, is a new form of non volatile computer memory being developed at Arizona State University and its spinoff, Axon Technologies. PMC is one of a number of technologies that are being developed to replace… … Wikipedia
Brief an den Vater — Scan der ersten Seite der Handschrift Der Brief an den Vater ist ein 1919 verfasster, jedoch niemals abgeschickter Brief Franz Kafkas an seinen Vater. Er wurde postum 1952 in der Neuen Rundschau[1] veröffentlicht und ist ein bevorzugter Text für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Education of the Blind — • Includes statistics and history Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Education of the Blind Education of the Blind … Catholic encyclopedia
const-correctness — In computer science, const correctness is the form of program correctness that deals with the proper declaration of objects as mutable or immutable. The term is mostly used in a C or C++ context, and takes its name from the const keyword in those … Wikipedia
un|writ|a|ble — «uhn RYT uh buhl», adjective. that cannot be written; not suitable or fit for writing: »They insist that…the nineteenth century novel…is impossible, over and done with, certainly unwritable, and maybe unreadable (New Yorker) … Useful english dictionary