- unvoted
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
unvoted — adjective (of a ballot paper) not having been used to cast a vote There shall also be a large box for the reception of the unvoted ballots … Wiktionary
unvoted — adj … Useful english dictionary
Electoral fraud — Articleissues|article=y cleanup=January 2008 wikify=January 2008Electoral fraud is illegal interference with the process of an election. Acts of fraud tend to involve affecting vote counts to bring about a desired election outcome, whether by… … Wikipedia
Surprise Valley (Modoc County, California) — Surprise Valley is a valley in California, about 60 miles in length from north to south. Locals refer to the area as the Tricorner Region because of the region s location at the intersection of California, Oregon, and Nevada state lines. The… … Wikipedia