- unvirgin
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
UNVIRGIN — … Useful english dictionary
impure — adj 1. contaminated, tainted, infected, poisoned, polluted; foul, feculent, turbid, muddy, murky, clouded, cloudy, unclear; unclean, dirty, dirtied, filthy, sullied, soiled, maculate, spotted, stained. 2. adulterated, alloyed, mixed, combined,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
promiscuous — adj 1. loose, lax, libertine, licentious, Cyprian, immoderate, intemperate, incontinent; wanton, wild, uninhibited, abandoned, unrestrained, uncurbed, ungoverned, unrestricted, unbridled, fast, Inf. swinging; dishonorable, Sl. trashy, Sl. cheap;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
unchaste — adj impure, unvirtuous, unvirgin, unvir ginal, defiled; loose, Cyprian, promiscuous, wanton, immodest, shameless; corrupted, debased, lowered, degraded, vitiated, degenerate, base, low; indecent, obscene, perverted, depraved, evil, vile, sinful,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder