- untamed
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Untamed — may refer to:* Untamed (1918 film), starring Roy Stewart * Untamed (1928 film), featuring Joan Crawford and Robert Montgomery * Untamed (1940 film), with Ray Milland * Untamed (1955 film), starring Tyrone Power and Susan Hayward * Untamed… … Wikipedia
untamed — index brutal, lawless, unmitigated, vicious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
untamed — mid 14c., from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of TAME (Cf. tame). Cf. O.N. utamdr, O.H.G. ungizamot … Etymology dictionary
untamed — [adj] wild barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, feral, ferocious, fierce, native, overgrown, overrun, rampant, savage, uncivilized, uncontrollable, uncultivated, undomesticated, uninhabited, unmanageable, vicious; concepts 406,583 … New thesaurus
untamed — [spelling only] … English World dictionary
Untamed — Filmdaten Originaltitel Untamed Produktionsland USA … Deutsch Wikipedia
untamed — [[t]ʌ̱nte͟ɪmd[/t]] ADJ An untamed area or place is in its original or natural state and has not been changed or affected by people. [LITERARY] ...the wild, untamed undergrowth... The interior of Corsica is high and untamed … English dictionary
untamed — un|tamed [ˌʌnˈteımd] adj 1.) untamed land is still in its natural state and has not been developed by people 2.) an untamed animal has not been trained to live or work with people = ↑wild … Dictionary of contemporary English
untamed — adjective Wild, uncontrolled, especially of animals not domesticated or trained to human contact. The mustang is an untamed horse that roams where it wants, with little interest in humans … Wiktionary
untamed — adj. Untamed is used with these nouns: ↑curl … Collocations dictionary
untamed — adjective not tamed or controlled. ↘(of land) wild or uncultivated: the untamed wilderness … English new terms dictionary