- unpassioned
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
unpassioned — un·passioned … English syllables
unpassioned — |ən+ adjective : dispassionate … Useful english dictionary
colorless — [adj1] without hue achromatic, achromic, anemic, ashen, ashy, blanched, bleached, cadaverous, doughy, drab, dull, faded, flat, ghastly, livid, lurid, neutral, pale, sickly, uncolored, wan, washed out, waxen, white; concept 618 Ant. brilliant,… … New thesaurus
detached — [adj1] disconnected alone, apart, discrete, disjoined, divided, emancipated, free, isolate, isolated, loose, loosened, removed, separate, severed, unaccompanied, unconnected; concept 490 Ant. attached, combined, connected, coupled, linked, merged … New thesaurus
impersonal — [adj] cold, unfriendly abstract, bureaucratic, businesslike, candid, cold blooded*, cold turkey*, colorless, cool, detached, disinterested, dispassionate, emotionless, equal, equitable, fair, formal, impartial, indifferent, inhuman, neutral,… … New thesaurus
un|pas|sioned — «uhn PASH uhnd», adjective. free from passion; dispassionate: »Rupert Brooke wrote of the unpassioned beauty of a great machine (London Times) … Useful english dictionary