- unnodding
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
unnodding — adj … Useful english dictionary
agile — Synonyms and related words: active, acute, adroit, alacritous, alert, alive, attentive, awake, breakneck, bright, brisk, catty, dashing, deft, dexterous, dextrous, dispatchful, double quick, eagle winged, expeditious, express, fast, featly, fleet … Moby Thesaurus
alert — Synonyms and related words: Klaxon, Mayday, SOS, active, admonish, advertent, advise, agile, agog, air raid alarm, alarm, alarm bell, alarm clock, alarm signal, alarum, alert for, alive, all clear, all ears, all eyes, animated, apt, arouse,… … Moby Thesaurus
alive — Synonyms and related words: abounding, aboveground, active, activist, activistic, agile, alert, alive and kicking, alive to, alive with, among the living, animate, animated, apprehensive, around, astir, attentive, au courant, awake, aware of,… … Moby Thesaurus
assiduous — Synonyms and related words: advertent, agog, alert, all ears, all eyes, ardent, attentive, aware, careful, concentrated, conscious, constant, continuing, diligent, dogged, earnest, elaborate, enduring, energetic, faithful, fervent, finical,… … Moby Thesaurus
attentive — Synonyms and related words: accommodating, accommodative, accurate, advertent, affable, agile, agog, agreeable, alert, alive, all ears, all eyes, assiduous, attenuate, awake, aware, bright, cap in hand, careful, cautious, ceremonious, circumspect … Moby Thesaurus
awake — Synonyms and related words: activate, agile, alert, alive, animate, annoy, apprehensive, arouse, aroused, attentive, au courant, awake to, awaken, awaken to, be begotten, be born, be incarnated, blow the coals, blow up, bright, call forth, call… … Moby Thesaurus
bright — Synonyms and related words: Leibnizian, Saturnian, adroit, advanced, agile, aglow, alert, alight, alive, animate, animated, apt, astute, attentive, auspicious, awake, balmy, beaming, bedazzling, benign, benignant, blazing, bleached, blinding,… … Moby Thesaurus
constant — Synonyms and related words: abiding, accordant, active, age long, aged, ageless, alike, ancient, antique, ardent, articulated, assiduous, atom, atomic mass, atomic number, atomic weight, automatic, balanced, beaten, catenated, ceaseless,… … Moby Thesaurus
continuing — Synonyms and related words: abiding, age long, aged, ancient, antique, articulated, assiduous, catenated, ceaseless, changeless, chronic, concatenated, connected, constant, continual, continued, continuous, cyclical, diligent, direct, diuturnal,… … Moby Thesaurus