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unmilitant — index harmless, nonmilitant, peaceable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
unmilitant — adj.; unmilitantly, adv … Useful english dictionary
List of The Mary Tyler Moore Show episodes — This is a list of episodes for The Mary Tyler Moore Show , a U.S. television series that aired from 1970 to 1977. Season One 1970 1971 *1. Love is All Around *2. Today I Am a Ma am *3. Bess, You is My Daughter Now *4. Divorce Isn t Everything *5 … Wikipedia
Georges ISta — né à Liège le 12 novembre 1874 et mort à Paris le 6 janvier 1939 est un écrivain de langue wallonne et unmilitant wallon. IL fut un auteur dramatique fécond, collabora à diverses revues wallonnes militantes convaincu que le wallon était un… … Wikipédia en Français
peaceable — peace·able / pē sə bəl/ adj: marked by freedom from dispute, strife, violence, or disorder the right to peaceable assembly peaceable possession peace·ably / blē/ adv Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam W … Law dictionary
harmless — harm·less adj 1: free from harm, liability, or loss often used in the phrase to hold harmless see also hold harmless 2: lacking capacity or intent to injure harm·less·ly adv harm·less·ness n … Law dictionary
nonmilitant — adjective accommodative, agreeable, amicable, appeasable, conciliable, conciliative, conciliatory, concordant, forgiving, gentle, halcyon, irenic, irenical, meek, neutral, nonaggresive, noncombatant, noncombative, nonviolent, pacificatory,… … Law dictionary
conciliatory — Synonyms and related words: appeasing, benevolent, civilian, dovish, forbearing, forgiving, generous, irenic, kind, long suffering, longanimous, magnanimous, mollifying, nonaggressive, noncombatant, nonmilitant, nonviolent, pacific, pacificatory … Moby Thesaurus
irenic — Synonyms and related words: appeasing, civilian, conciliatory, dovish, mollifying, nonaggressive, noncombatant, nonmilitant, nonviolent, pacific, pacificatory, pacifist, pacifistic, pacifying, peace loving, peaceable, peaceful, placative,… … Moby Thesaurus
nonaggressive — Synonyms and related words: bone lazy, cadging, civilian, conciliatory, dilatory, do nothing, doless, dovish, dronish, drony, easy, ergophobic, faineant, good for nothing, indolent, irenic, laggard, lax, lazy, noncombatant, nonmilitant,… … Moby Thesaurus