- unmandated
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
unmandated — /ʌnˈmændeɪtəd/ (say un mandaytuhd) adjective without a mandate …
unmandated — adj … Useful english dictionary
Daylight saving time around the world — legend|#c00000|Areas that never had DST Daylight saving time around the world, showing usage and a short history by location in alphabetic order. Africa The only African countries which use daylight saving time are: *Canary Islands From last… … Wikipedia
Daylight saving time by country — See also: List of time zones by country Daylight Saving Time Countries as October 2011 & … Wikipedia
Daylight saving time in Japan — From 1948 51, Japan observed DST between May and September every year under an initiative of the U.S. led occupation army. The unpopularity of DST, for which people complained about sleep disruption and longer daytime labor (some workers had to… … Wikipedia
Open access mandate — An Open Access Self Archiving Mandate[1][2] is a policy adopted by a research institution (e.g., a university), a research funder or a government that requires researchers (e.g., university faculty or research grant recipients) to make their… … Wikipedia