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  • unimaginary — adj …   Useful english dictionary

  • List of crossovers in fiction — This article comprises a list of fictional crossovers that have occurred between different fictional characters/properties over different mediums.General crossoversMost of these crossovers can be assumed to be in continuity for one or both of the …   Wikipedia

  • Miles Copeland — Personaje de Home and Away Miles Copeland Interpretado por: Josh Quong Tart (2007 presente) Jackson Edwards (a los 8 años) Ryley Mickle (Miles a los 3 años) Duración: 2007 presente Perfil Sobrenombre: Milco …   Wikipedia Español

  • actual — adj 1. real, true, Brit. Dial. gradely, Both Archaic. sooth, soothfast; factual, unimaginary, unfictitious, true to life, realistic; authentic, genuine, Dial. sure enough, bona fide, veritable, valid, confirmed; rightful, legitimate, lawful, just …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • concrete — adj 1. particular, specific, single, singular, certain, special, unique, sole, peculiar, individual, individualized; separate, isolated, distinct, discrete; exact, precise, direct, strict, minute; explicit, definite, express; plain, evident,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • factual — adj 1. true to life, realistic, credible, believable, natural; accurate, exact, precise, close, faithful, honest, strict; literal, verbatim, word for word, line for line. 2. correct, right, objective, straight; unbiased, unprejudiced, undistorted …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • literal — adj 1. word for word, verbatim, Fr. mot a mot. line for line, letter for letter, literatim, Latin, verbatim et literatim; accurate, exact, precise, close, faithful, true, honest, strict, undeviating; explicit, express, unambiguous, clear,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • real — adj 1. true, actual, Brit. Dial. gradely, Both Archaic. sooth, soothfast; factual, unimaginary, unfictitious, true to life, realistic; authentic, genuine, Dial. sure enough, bona fide, veritable, valid, confirmed; rightful, legitimate, lawful,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • true — adj 1. factual, actual, real, Obs. veritable, Brit. Dial. gradely, Both Archaic. sooth, soothfast; unimaginary, unfictitious, authentic, genuine, valid, sound, just, confirmed; sincere, earnest, truthful, veracious; literal, true to life,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • truthful — adj 1. honest, veracious, sincere, earnest; upright, righteous, honorable, upstanding; ethical, proper, moral, conscionable; principled, high minded, noble, right minded, uncorrupt; ingenuous, artless, guileless, unsophisticated; frank, straight …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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