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Two-phase — a., Two phaser Two phas er, n. (Elec.) Same as {Diphase}, {Diphaser}. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
two-phase — [to͞o′fāz΄] adj. Elec. powered by two equal AC voltages or currents which are out of phase by one quarter of a cycle (90°); quarter phase … English World dictionary
two-phase — two′ phase adj. elm diphase • Etymology: 1895–1900 … From formal English to slang
two-phase — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective : supplying or supplied with two alternating currents in separate circuits differing in phase usually by a quarter cycle a two phase generator a two phase motor * * * /tooh fayz /, adj. Elect. diphase. [1895 1900] * * * twoˈ… … Useful english dictionary
Two-phase electric power — Two phase electrical power was an early 20th century polyphase alternating current electric power distribution system. Two circuits were used, with voltage phases differing by 90 degrees. Usually circuits used four wires, two for each phase. Less … Wikipedia
Two-phase locking — This article is about concurrency control. For commit consensus within a distributed transaction, see Two phase commit protocol. In databases and transaction processing two phase locking, (2PL) is a concurrency control method that guarantees… … Wikipedia
Two-phase flow — In fluid mechanics, two phase flow occurs in a system containing gas and liquid with a meniscus separating the two phases. Historically, probably the most commonly studied cases of two phase flow are in large scale power systems. Coal and gas… … Wikipedia
Two phase locking — In databases and transaction processing, two phase locking, (2PL) is a concurrency control locking protocol, mechanism, that guarantees serializability. It is also the name of the resulting class (set) of transaction schedules. Using locks that… … Wikipedia
Two-phase commit protocol — In computer networking and databases, the two phase commit protocol (2PC) is a distributed algorithm that lets all nodes in a distributed system agree to commit a transaction. The protocol results in either all nodes committing the transaction or … Wikipedia
Two-Phase-Commit — Commit Protokolle regeln die Festschreibung (Commit) von Daten, die durch eine (verteilte) Transaktion beispielsweise in einem Datenbankmanagementsystem verändert werden sollen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Notwendigkeit und Anforderungen 2 Grundprinzip… … Deutsch Wikipedia
two-phase circuit — dvifazė grandinė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. quarter phase circuit; two phase circuit vok. Zweiphasenschaltung, f rus. двухфазная цепь, f pranc. circuit biphasé, m; circuit diphasé, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas