- troch.
(in prescriptions) troche.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
troch — troch·e·am·e·ter; troch·el·minth; troch·el·min·thes; troch·i·dae; troch·i·li; troch·i·line; troch·i·lus; troch·lea; troch·le·ar; troch·le·ar·i·form; troch·le·ar·is; troch·o·blast; troch·o·ce·pha·lia; troch·o·den·dra·ce·ae; troch·o·den·dron;… … English syllables
Troch — steht für August Troch, deutscher Orgelbauer Harald Troch, (*1959), österreichischer Politiker (SPÖ). Siehe auch Trog Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit dems … Deutsch Wikipedia
troch- — trocho ❖ ♦ Élément tiré du grec trokhos « roue, disque », et servant à former quelques termes scientifiques. ⇒ Trochoïde, trochoïdal, trochophore, trochotron … Encyclopédie Universelle
troch|le|ar — «TROK lee uhr», adjective. 1. Anatomy. a) of, connected with, or forming a trochlea. b) of or having to do with the trochlear muscle or trochlear nerve. 2. Botany. circular and narrowed in the middle, like the wheel of a pulley … Useful english dictionary
troch|le|a — «TROK lee uh», noun, plural le|ae « lee ee». Anatomy. a pulleylike structure or arrangement of parts with a smooth surface upon which another part glides, as the part of the humerus with which the ulna articulates. ╂[< New Latin trochlea <… … Useful english dictionary
troch|el|minth — «TROK ehl mihnth», noun. any invertebrate animal of a group including the rotifers and gastrotrichans. ╂[< Greek trochós a wheel + English helminth (because of the shape)] … Useful english dictionary
troch|i|lus — «TROK uh luhs», noun, plural li « ly». 1. any one of certain small European warblers. 2. = crocodile bird. (Cf. ↑crocodile bird) 3. = hummingbird. (Cf. ↑hummingbird) ╂[< Latin trochilus … Useful english dictionary
troch|o|phore — «TROK uh fr, fohr», noun. a free swimming, ciliate larval form of most mollusks and of certain bryozoans, brachiopods, and marine worms. ╂[< Greek trochós wheel (< tréchein to run) + English phore] … Useful english dictionary
troch|o|sphere — «TROK uh sfihr», noun. = trochophore. (Cf. ↑trochophore) … Useful english dictionary
troch — n. [Gr. trochos, wheel] A band of cilia found on trocophores and related larvae … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology