- trobar clus
/troh bahr" kloohs"/a complex and obscure style of writing adopted by some 12th-century Provençal poets.[ < Pr: lit., closed composition]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
trobar clus — Trobar clus is a style of TROUBADOUR poetry that is characterized by deliberate obscurity, metrical complexity, allusive and difficult language, and intricacy of rhyme schemes. It is a closed or hermetic style of writing practiced by poets who … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
Trobar clus — Trobar clus, or closed form, was the style of poetry used by troubadours for their more discerning audiences, and it was only truly appreciated by an elite few. It was developed extensively by Marcabru, but by 1200 its inaccessibility led to its… … Wikipedia
Trobar clus — La forme trobar clus est un art poétique développé par les troubadours (langue d oc) du XIIe siècle. Elle consiste essentiellement en une recherche de l hermétisme, par conséquent accessible seulement à un public cultivé. Un des principaux… … Wikipédia en Français
trobar clus — tro·bàr clùs loc.s.m.inv. TS lett. 1. stile di alcuni trovatori provenzali volutamente ermetico e oscuro, con parole e strutture difficili e rare, spesso come segno di impegno morale o di polemica 2. estens., stile ermetico nella poesia di altre… … Dizionario italiano
trobar clus — /troh bahr kloohs / a complex and obscure style of writing adopted by some 12th century Provençal poets. [ < Pr: lit., closed composition] … Useful english dictionary
trobar ric — (trobar car, trobar prim) The term trobar ric describes a style of TROUBADOUR poetry that made use of elaborate technical contrivances and ornate language, but whose sense was clear to the audience. The phrase combines the Provençal trobar… … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
trobar leu — Trobar leu was a style of TROUBADOUR poetry that was characterized by simple, natural, and accessible diction and relatively simple verse forms. It was a style intended to appeal to the broadest possible audience. The term comes from the… … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
Trobar ric — The trobar ric, or rich form of poetry, was a trobadour style.It was distinguished by its verbal gymnastics; its best exponent was Arnaut Daniel. Despite the fact that it outlasted trobar clus it always played a secondary role to trobar leu.ee… … Wikipedia
Trobar leu — The trobar leu, or light style of poetry, was the most popular style used by the troubadours. Its accessibility gave it a wide audience, though modern readers may find its somewhat formulaic nature tiresome after a while.ee also*trobar ric… … Wikipedia
trobar leu — tro·bàr lèu loc.s.m.inv. TS lett. stile accessibile e piano dei trovatori provenzali che rifiutavano polemicamente il trobar clus {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1952. ETIMO: dal provenz. ant. trobar leu propr. poetare facile … Dizionario italiano