triple rhyme.
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triple rhyme — tri′ple rhyme′ n. pro See under feminine rhyme … From formal English to slang
triple rhyme — noun a rhyme involving three syllables … English new terms dictionary
triple rhyme. — See under feminine rhyme … Useful english dictionary
triple rhyme — … Useful english dictionary
triple — adj., n., & v. adj. 1 consisting of three usu. equal parts or things; threefold. 2 involving three parties. 3 three times as much or many (triple the amount; triple thickness). n. 1 a threefold number or amount. 2 a set of three. 3 (in pl.) a… … Useful english dictionary
triple, treble — Although triple and treble share the meaning of threefold, consisting of three parts, thrice multiplied, treble is rarely used except for its special sense in music: having the highest range or part (young choir boys with treble voices). One… … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
triple — I. verb (tripled; tripling) Etymology: Middle English (Scots), from Late Latin triplare, from Latin triplus, adjective Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to make three times as great or as many 2. a. to score (a base runner) by a triple b. to… … New Collegiate Dictionary
feminine rhyme — Pros. a rhyme either of two syllables of which the second is unstressed (double rhyme), as in motion, notion, or of three syllables of which the second and third are unstressed (triple rhyme), as in fortunate, importunate. Also called female… … Universalium
feminine rhyme — fem′inine rhyme′ n. pro a rhyme either of two syllables of which the second is unstressed (double rhyme), as in motion, notion or of three syllables of which the second and third are unstressed(triple rhyme) as in fortunate, importunate[/ex] •… … From formal English to slang
feminine rhyme — /fɛmənən ˈraɪm/ (say femuhnuhn ruym) noun a rhyme of two syllables of which the second is unstressed, as motion, notion (double rhyme), or of three syllables of which the second and third are unstressed, as fortunate, importunate (triple rhyme) …