torsion group

torsion group
a group in which every element has finite order.

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  • torsion group — Math. a group in which every element has finite order …   Useful english dictionary

  • Torsion subgroup — In the theory of abelian groups, the torsion subgroup AT of an abelian group A is the subgroup of A consisting of all elements that have finite order. An abelian group A is called a torsion (or periodic) group if every element of A has finite… …   Wikipedia

  • Torsion (algebra) — In abstract algebra, the term torsion refers to a number of concepts related to elements of finite order in groups and to the failure of modules to be free. Definition Let G be a group. An element g of G is called a torsion element if g has… …   Wikipedia

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  • Torsion-free — In mathematics, the term torsion free may refer to several unrelated notions: * In abstract algebra, a group is torsion free if the only element of finite order is the identity. * In differential geometry, an affine connection is torsion free if… …   Wikipedia

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