thermonuclear bomb.
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thermonuclear bomb — ▪ fusion device also called hydrogen bomb , or H bomb weapon whose enormous explosive power results from an uncontrolled, self sustaining chain reaction in which isotopes of hydrogen combine under extremely high temperatures to form helium in … Universalium
thermonuclear bomb — termobranduolinė bomba statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Bomba, kurios veikimas pagrįstas lengvųjų branduolių sintezės reakcija, vykstančia >10⁷ K temperatūroje. atitikmenys: angl. thermonuclear bomb rus. термоядерная бомба … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
thermonuclear bomb — termobranduolinė bomba statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. thermonuclear bomb vok. Thermonuklearbombe, f rus. термоядерная бомба, f pranc. bombe thermonucléaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
thermonuclear bomb — termobranduolinė bomba statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Bomba, kurios veikimas pagrįstas lengvųjų branduolių sintezės reakcija, vykstančia daugiau negu 10⁷K (kelvinų) temperatūroje. Pagrindinis komponentas – ²³⁵U (uranas).… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
thermonuclear bomb — noun a nuclear weapon that releases atomic energy by union of light (hydrogen) nuclei at high temperatures to form helium • Syn: ↑hydrogen bomb, ↑H bomb, ↑fusion bomb • Hypernyms: ↑nuclear weapon, ↑atomic weapon, ↑bomb … Useful english dictionary
thermonuclear bomb. — See hydrogen bomb. [1945 50] … Useful english dictionary
bomb — bombable, adj. /bom/, n. 1. Mil. a projectile, formerly usually spherical, filled with a bursting charge and exploded by means of a fuze, by impact, or otherwise, now generally designed to be dropped from an aircraft. 2. any similar missile or… … Universalium
thermonuclear — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1938 1. of, relating to, or employing transformations in the nuclei of atoms of low atomic weight (as hydrogen) that require a very high temperature for their inception (as in the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
bomb — Synonyms and related words: A bomb, Grand Guignol, H bomb, Passion play, Tom show, aerial bomb, antimasque, antipersonnel bomb, astonishment, atom bomb, atomic bomb, audience success, ballet, batter, be a gas, be a hit, bill, blast, blitz,… … Moby Thesaurus
thermonuclear — (adj.) 1938 with reference to stars, 1953 of weapons (technically only to describe the hydrogen bomb), from THERMO (Cf. thermo ) + NUCLEAR (Cf. nuclear) … Etymology dictionary