thermionic current

thermionic current
an electric current produced by the flow of thermions.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • thermionic current — n. a current resulting from directed thermionic emission, as the flow of emitted electrons from a heated cathode to the plate …   English World dictionary

  • thermionic current — noun an electric current produced between two electrodes as a result of electrons emitted by thermionic emission • Hypernyms: ↑current, ↑electric current * * * noun : an electric current due to the directed movements of thermions (as in the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • thermionic current — termoelektroninė srovė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. thermionic current; thermionic emission current; thermoelectronic current vok. Glühelektronenstrom, m; Glühemissionsstrom, m rus. термоэлектронный ток, m; ток термоэлектронной …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • thermionic current — /θɜmiˌɒnɪk ˈkʌrənt/ (say thermee.onik kuruhnt) noun 1. a flow of thermions. 2. the electric current so produced …  

  • thermionic-emission current — termoelektroninė srovė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. thermionic current; thermionic emission current; thermoelectronic current vok. Glühelektronenstrom, m; Glühemissionsstrom, m rus. термоэлектронный ток, m; ток термоэлектронной …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

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  • thermionic converter — thermionic converter, an electronic device that changes heat directly into electricity. It consists of two metallic electrodes held in a tube at different temperatures and separated by a gas at low pressure. When the electrons on the surface of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Thermionic emission — Closeup of the filament on a low pressure mercury gas discharge lamp showing white thermionic emission mix coating on the central portion of the coil. Typically made of a mixture of barium, strontium and calcium oxides, the coating is sputtered… …   Wikipedia

  • thermionic power converter — ▪ electronics Introduction also called  thermionic generator,  thermionic power generator,  or  thermoelectric engine        any of a class of devices that convert heat directly into electricity using thermionic emission rather than first… …   Universalium

  • Thermionic converter — A thermionic converter consists of a hot electrode which thermionically emits electrons over a potential energy barrier to a cooler electrode, producing a useful electric power output. Caesium vapor is used to optimize the electrode work… …   Wikipedia

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