
a combining form meaning "miracle," "wonder," used in the formation of compound words: thaumatology.
[ < Gk, comb. form of thaumat- (s. of thaûma)]

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  • thaumato- — aff. a combining form meaning “miracle,”“wonder”: thaumatology[/ex] • Etymology: < Gk, comb. form of thaûma, s. thaumat …   From formal English to slang

  • thaumato- — a combining form meaning miracle, wonder, used in the formation of compound words: thaumatology. [ < Gk, comb. form of thaumat (s. of thaûma)] …   Useful english dictionary

  • thaumatology — ˌthȯməˈtäləjē noun ( es) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary thaumato (from Greek, from thaumat , thauma miracle, wonder) + logy more at theater …   Useful english dictionary

  • thaumatology — /thaw meuh tol euh jee/, n. the study or description of miracles. [1850 55; THAUMATO + LOGY] * * * …   Universalium

  • thaumaturgic — /thaw meuh terr jik/, adj. 1. pertaining to a thaumaturge or to thaumaturgy. 2. having the powers of a thaumaturge. Also, thaumaturgical. [1560 70; < NL thaumaturgicus, equiv. to thaumaturg(us) wonder worker ( < Gk thaumatourgós, equiv. to… …   Universalium

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