- Tereshkova
Valentina Vladimirovna /veuh lyin tyee"neuh vleuh dyi myee"rddeuhv neuh/, born 1937, Soviet cosmonaut: first woman in space 1963.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Tereshkova — [te΄resh kô′və] Valentina (Vladimirovna) [vä΄len tē′nə] 1937 ; Soviet cosmonaut: 1st woman in space (1963) … English World dictionary
Tereshkova — noun Soviet cosmonaut who was the first woman in space (born in 1937) • Syn: ↑Valentina Tereshkova, ↑Valentina Vladmirovna Tereshkova • Instance Hypernyms: ↑astronaut, ↑spaceman, ↑cosmonaut … Useful english dictionary
Tereshkova (crater) — lunar crater data latitude=28.4 N or S=N longitude=144.3 E or W=E diameter=31 km depth= Unknown colong=216 eponym=Valentina V. TereshkovaTereshkova is a relatively small lunar impact crater on the far side of the Moon. This feature is located… … Wikipedia
Tereshkova, Valentina — ▪ Soviet cosmonaut in full Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova born March 6, 1937, Maslennikovo, Russia, U.S.S.R. Soviet cosmonaut, the first woman to travel into space. On June 16, 1963, she was launched in the spacecraft Vostok 6, which… … Universalium
Tereshkova — biographical name Valentina Vladimirovna 1937 Soviet (Russian born) cosmonaut … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tereshkova — Te•resh•ko•va [[t]ˌtɛr əʃˈkoʊ və[/t]] n. big Valentina Vladimirovna, born 1937, Soviet cosmonaut: first woman in space 1963 … From formal English to slang
Tereshkova — /tɪrɪʃˈkɔvə/ (say tirish kawvuh) noun Valentina Vladimirovna /vəlɪnˈtinə vlaˈdimɪrəvnə/ (say vuhlin teenuh vlah deemiruhvnuh), born 1937, Russian cosmonaut of the Soviet era; first woman to fly in space (1963) …
Tereshkova,Valentina Vladmirovna — Te·resh·ko·va (tĕr ĕ shkōʹvə, tyĭ ryĭ ), Valentina Vladmirovna. Born 1937. Soviet cosmonaut who orbited the earth 48 times aboard Vostok 6 in June 1963, thereby becoming the first woman in space. * * * … Universalium
Tereshkova, Valentina (Vladimirovna) — born March 6, 1937, Maslennikovo, Russia, U.S.S.R. Russian cosmonaut. An accomplished parachutist, she was accepted for the cosmonaut program in 1961. In 1963 she became the first woman in space, making 48 orbits in 71 hours aboard Vostok 6. She… … Universalium
Tereshkova, Valentina (Vladimirovna) — (n. 6 mar. 1937, Maslennikovo, Rusia, URSS). Cosmonauta soviética. Siendo una paracaidista experta, fue aceptada en el programa de cosmonautas en 1961. En 1963 se transformó en la primera mujer en ir al espacio, completando 48 órbitas en 71 horas … Enciclopedia Universal