
telecomputer, n.
/tel"i keuhm pyooh'ting/, n. Computers.
[1980-85; TELE-1 + COMPUTING]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • telecomputing — telecomputer, n. /tel i keuhm pyooh ting/, n. Computers. teleprocessing. [1980 85; TELE 1 + COMPUTING] * * * telecomputing UK [ˈtelikəmˌpjuːtɪŋ] US [ˈtelikəmˌpjutɪŋ] noun [uncountable] computing the process of sending information to or receiving… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • telecomputing — UK [ˈtelɪkəmˌpjuːtɪŋ] / US [ˈtelɪkəmˌpjutɪŋ] noun [uncountable] computing the process of sending information to or receiving information from another computer using the Internet, a modem, or a local area network …   English dictionary

  • Michael Tomczyk — Michael S. Tomczyk is best known for his role in the development and marketing of the Commodore VIC 20, the first microcomputer to sell one million units; and for his early role as a pioneer in telecomputing. More broadly, he has come to be known …   Wikipedia

  • Apptix — The phrase Application Service Provider or ASP was created by a company in Norway called Telecomputing. Like most ASPs, Telecomputing experienced the boom and bust of the internet bubble. Telecomputing s engine for delivering software over the… …   Wikipedia

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  • NPTN — abbr. National Public Telecomputing Network (Netzwerk, USA) comp. abbr. National Public Telecomputing Network …   United dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

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