
/tan"euh kwil/, n.
a legendary queen of Rome who prophesied the future greatness of Servius Tullius and helped him to gain the throne after the murder of her husband by a political faction.

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▪ Etruscan prophet
      legendary Etruscan prophet, the wife of Tarquinius Priscus, traditionally the fifth king of Rome.

      According to legend she married the low-born Lucumo (as Tarquinius was originally called) in the Etruscan city of Tarquinii; through her prophetic powers she saw that their fortunes and social status would improve if they settled in Rome. At Rome, Lucumo adopted the Latin name Lucius Tarquinius, and Tanaquil reportedly changed hers to Gaia Caecilia. Tarquinius is said to have ruled Rome from 616 until he was murdered in 578. Tanaquil then won the crown for her son-in-law, Servius Tullius. She earned renown for her skill at spinning and weaving. The Roman writer Pliny (1st–2nd century AD) reported that there was a statue to her as Gaia Caecilia in the temple of Semo Sancus, where her distaff and spindle were preserved as relics. Thus she became a model of virtue for Roman brides. Scholars have, however, concluded that Tanaquil and Gaia Caecilia were probably distinct characters.

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