
/tah'mow lee"pahs/, n.
a state in NE Mexico, bordering on the Gulf of Mexico. 1,901,000; 30,731 sq. mi. (79,595 sq. km). Cap.: Ciudad Victoria.

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State (pop., 2000: 2,753,222), northeastern Mexico.

Located on the Gulf of Mexico, it covers 30,650 sq mi (79,384 sq km). The capital is Ciudad Victoria. Though largely mountainous, it has extensive, fertile plains in the north and a sandy, lagoon-dotted coastal zone. Large areas are irrigated, and agriculture is the main economic activity; products include sorghum, soybeans, sugarcane, cotton, coffee, and fruit. Fisheries and copper mining also are important. It produces one-third of Mexico's natural gas and large quantities of crude oil.

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 estado (state), northeastern Mexico. It is bounded by the United States ( Texas) to the north, the Gulf of Mexico (Mexico, Gulf of) to the east, and the states of Veracruz to the south, San Luis Potosí to the southwest and west, and Nuevo León to the west. Ciudad Victoria is the state capital.

      The central and southern portions of Tamaulipas are mountainous, but there are extensive, fertile plains in the north. The sandy, lagoon-dotted coastal zone is sparsely inhabited. The Rio Grande (Río Bravo del Norte) defines the Tamaulipas-Texas border, including a narrow strip of territory that extends northwestward between Nuevo León and Texas.

      With varied climates and vegetation, numerous crops (sorghum, soybeans, safflower, corn [maize], sugarcane, tobacco, cotton, coffee, wheat, and citrus fruits) can be cultivated, and agriculture is the state's main economic activity. Tamaulipas has more area of irrigated cropland than any other Mexican state. Fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico are also important sources of income, as are livestock raising, preparation of agave fibres, and copper mining. Tamaulipas produces a large proportion of Mexico's natural gas and significant quantities of petroleum; petrochemical plants are located in Ciudad Madero and Reynosa.

      The state government is headed by a governor, who is elected to a single term of six years. Members of the unicameral legislature (the House of Deputies) are elected to three-year terms. The legislature can levy taxes, but in reality the state depends on the federal government for most of its revenue. Like other Mexican states, Tamaulipas is divided into local governmental units called municipios (municipalities), each of which may include a city or town and its hinterland or, alternatively, a group of villages.

      In the late 20th century there was a rapid proliferation of maquiladoras (maquiladora) (export-oriented assembly plants) in Tamaulipas, and emigration increased northward across the Rio Grande. The cross-border trade boom that began in the 1990s brought population growth to several cities on the border with Texas: Nuevo Laredo (across from Laredo, Tex.), Reynosa (south of McAllen), and Matamoros (across from Brownsville). Other major centres are Tampico and Ciudad Madero, which adjoin on the Gulf coast. Paved highways connect all the major towns, and the railway connecting Monterrey (Nuevo León) and Tampico traverses the state, passing through Ciudad Victoria. The larger cities all have airports. Area 30,650 square miles (79,384 square km). Pop. (2000) 2,753,222; (2005) 3,024,238.

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Universalium. 2010.

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