
Hermaphroditus [hər maf΄rə dīt′əs]
L < Gr Hermaphroditos
Gr. Myth. the son of Hermes and Aphrodite: while bathing, he becomes united in a single body with a nymph

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Her·maph·ro·di·tus (hər-măf'rə-dīʹtəs) n. Greek Mythology
The son of Hermes and Aphrodite, who became united in one body with the nymph Salmacis.
  [Latin Hermaphrodītus, Greek Hermaphrodītos: Hermēs, Hermes + Aphrodītē, Aphrodite; see Aphrodite.]

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      in Greek mythology, a being partly male, partly female. The idea of such a being originated in the East; in the Greek area it appeared in Cyprus, and, although it was a favourite subject in later Greek art, it was of no importance as a Greek cult. A legend of the Hellenistic period made Hermaphroditus a beautiful youth, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite. The nymph of the fountain of Salmacis in Caria became enamoured of him and entreated the gods that she might be forever united with him. The result was the formation of a being half man, half woman.

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  • Hermaphroditus — [hər maf΄rə dīt′əs] n. [L < Gr Hermaphroditos] Gr. Myth. the son of Hermes and Aphrodite: while bathing, he becomes united in a single body with a nymph …   English World dictionary

  • Hermaphroditus — In Greek mythology, Hermaphroditus or Hermaphroditos (Ancient Greek: polytonic|ʽἙρμάφρόδιτός) was the child of Aphrodite and Hermes. Born a remarkably handsome boy, he was transformed into an androgynous being by union with the nymph Salmacis.… …   Wikipedia

  • Hermaphroditus — noun Etymology: Latin, from Greek Hermaphroditos, from Hermēs + Aphroditē Aphrodite Date: 1565 a son of Hermes and Aphrodite who becomes joined in one body with a nymph while bathing …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Hermaphroditus — noun /hɚˌmæf.ɹəˈdaɪ.təs/ a) the son of Hermes and Aphrodite who merged bodies with a naiad. b) was originally a male Aphrodite; the Cyprian god Aphroditus …   Wiktionary

  • Hermaphroditus — /hɜmæfrəˈdaɪtəs/ (say hermafruh duytuhs) noun Greek Legend a son of Hermes and Aphrodite who became united in body with the nymph Salmacis while bathing in her fountain …  

  • Hermaphroditus — noun (Greek mythology) son of Hermes and Aphrodite who merged with the nymph Salmacis to form one body • Topics: ↑Greek mythology • Instance Hypernyms: ↑Greek deity …   Useful english dictionary

  • hermaphroditus tarn masculo quam feminae comparator, secundum praevalentiam sexus incalescentis — /harmsfradaytas tsem maeskyalow kwaem femaniy kompareytar, sakandam prevalensh(iy)am seksas inkselasentas/ An hermaphrodite is to be considered male or female according to the predominance of the exciting sex …   Black's law dictionary

  • hermaphroditus tarn masculo quam feminae comparator, secundum praevalentiam sexus incalescentis — /harmsfradaytas tsem maeskyalow kwaem femaniy kompareytar, sakandam prevalensh(iy)am seksas inkselasentas/ An hermaphrodite is to be considered male or female according to the predominance of the exciting sex …   Black's law dictionary

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