
/shoor"fuyeur', sherr"-/, adj.
sure to work; foolproof: a surefire moneymaking scheme.
[1915-20; SURE + FIRE]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Surefire — LLC Rechtsform LLC Gründung 1979 Sitz Fountain Valley (K …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • SureFire — U2 светодиодный многорежимный фонарь SureFire  американская компания, специализирующаяся на производстве тактических фонарей, обычно применяемых в правоохранительных органах и вооружённых силах. Фонари SureFire также популярны и на… …   Википедия

  • surefire — by 1864, Amer.Eng., from SURE (Cf. sure) + FIRE (Cf. fire) (v.). Originally of rifles …   Etymology dictionary

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  • surefire — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: sure (I) + fire : certain to produce a usually specified or desired result : proved by experience to be reliable : dependable a surefire device a surefire winner a surefire recipe …   Useful english dictionary

  • surefire — adjective (only before noun) informal certain to succeed: There s no surefire way to get rid of cockroaches. | surefire success: I think the new show will be a surefire success with kids …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • surefire — mod. certain; effective; fail safe. □ I’ve got a surefire method for fixing cracks in dry wall. □ Good, yes; surefire, no. □ This stuff is a surefire cure …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • surefire — sure|fire [ˈʃo:faıə US ˈʃurfaır] adj [only before noun] informal certain to succeed ▪ Children soon learn that bad behaviour is a surefire way of getting attention. ▪ a surefire recipe for success …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • surefire — {adj.} Without fail; effective; bringing actual results. * /During a campaign the only surefire way to get the sympathy of the voters is to mingle with them in person./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

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