supersaver — /sooh peuhr say veuhr/, n. 1. a specially reduced fare, as for passengers reserving tickets in advance or traveling during off peak periods. 2. any item on which there is a specially reduced price: The grocery s supersavers this week include… … Useful english dictionary
supersaver — noun a) A very thrifty person; one who saves a lot of money. b) A type of railway ticket offering a significant discount on the normal fare … Wiktionary
supersaver — su•per•sav•er [[t]ˈsu pərˌseɪ vər[/t]] n. 1) an item offered at a specially reduced price, as in a food market 2) a specially reduced fare, as for travel on an airplane or train • Etymology: 1975–80, amer … From formal English to slang
supersaver — /ˈsupəseɪvə/ (say soohpuhsayvuh) noun a product promoted as one which will save the customer an appreciable amount of money …
Family and Friends Railcard — The Family and Friends Railcard is an annual card available to all adults in Britain. It gives discounts on certain types of railway ticket when the Railcard holder travels with at least one child. The Railcard is valid for one year and currently … Wikipedia
Sentry Foods — is a grocery store chain operating in Wisconsin. Sentry Foods stores got their start in the Milwaukee area of Wisconsin in the 1960s, being operated and supplied by the Godfrey family. Fleming Companies, Inc., at the time a major wholesaler,… … Wikipedia
Martin Lewis (financial journalist) — This article is about the British personal finance journalist. For the UK TV newsreader of similar name, see Martyn Lewis (journalist). Martin Lewis Born 9 May 1972 (1972 05 09) (age 39) Withington, Manchester, UK Occupation Television… … Wikipedia
Concessionary fares on the British railway network — In addition to the large number and variety of short term or localised promotional fares that have been available to passengers on the British railway network in recent decades (especially since privatisation), there are many permanent… … Wikipedia
система охлаждения ЦОДа — [Интент]т Система охлаждения для небольшого ЦОДа Александр Барсков Вымышленная компания (далее Заказчик) попросила предложить систему охлаждения для… … Справочник технического переводчика
Dunsmuir, California — City of Dunsmuir City Location in Sis … Wikipedia