- structural formula
Chem.a chemical formula showing the linkage of the atoms in a molecule diagrammatically, as H-O-H. Cf. empirical formula, molecular formula.[1885-90]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
structural formula — n an expanded molecular formula (as H O H for water) showing the arrangement within the molecule of atoms and of bonds * * * a chemical formula telling how many atoms of each element are present in a molecule of a substance, which atom is linked… … Medical dictionary
structural formula — Formula For mu*la, n.; pl. E. {Formulas}, L. {Formul[ae]}. [L., dim. of forma form, model. See{Form}, n.] 1. A prescribed or set form; an established rule; a fixed or conventional method in which anything is to be done, arranged, or said. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Structural formula — Struc tur*al form u*la (Chem.) a symbolic representation of the structure of one molecule of a chemical compound, showing the attachments of the atoms to each other, and representing their arrangement in space; the spatial representation is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
structural formula — n. a formula which illustrates the arrangement of the atoms and bonds in a molecule: see BENZENE … English World dictionary
Structural formula — The structural formula of a chemical compound is a graphical representation of the molecular structure, showing how the atoms are arranged. The chemical bonding within the molecule is also shown, either explicitly or implicitly. There are several … Wikipedia
structural formula — struktūrinė formulė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Molekulės atomų erdvinio išsidėstymo pavaizdavimas plokštumoje. atitikmenys: angl. atomic formula; structural formula rus. структурная формула … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
structural formula — struktūrinė formulė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. configurational formula; structural formula vok. Strukturformel, f rus. структурная формула, f pranc. formule de structure, f; formule développée, f; formule structurale, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
structural formula — noun an expanded molecular formula showing the arrangement of atoms within the molecule • Hypernyms: ↑molecular formula … Useful english dictionary
structural formula — noun Date: circa 1872 an expanded molecular formula showing the arrangement within the molecule of atoms and of bonds … New Collegiate Dictionary
structural formula — expanded chemical formula detailing the connections of atoms and groups of atoms and their type and number … English contemporary dictionary