
/strows/ or, for 1-3, 5, Ger. /shtrddows/, n.
1. David Friedrich /dah"veet frddee"drddikh/, 1808-74, German theologian, philosopher, and author.
2. Johann /yoh"hahn/, 1804-49, Austrian orchestra conductor and composer.
3. his son Johann ("The Waltz King"), 1825-99, Austrian orchestra conductor and composer.
4. Levi, 1829?-1902, U.S. pants manufacturer: developed Levis.
5. Richard /rddikh"ahrddt/, 1864-1949, German orchestra conductor and composer.

* * *

(as used in expressions)
Lévi Strauss Claude
Strauss Franz Josef
Strauss Johann Baptist
Strauss Richard Georg

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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