stimulus generalization

stimulus generalization
generalization (def. 4a).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • stimulus generalization — noun (psychology) transfer of a response learned to one stimulus to a similar stimulus • Syn: ↑generalization, ↑generalisation, ↑stimulus generalisation • Derivationally related forms: ↑generalise (for: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • stimulus generalization — exhibition of a conditioned response to stimuli similar but not identical to the conditioned stimulus …   Medical dictionary

  • stimulus generalization — In behaviourist learning theory the concept denotes the way in which responses, initially conditioned to a particular stimulus, are also evoked by other stimuli that bear some similarity to the original …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Генерализация раздражителя (stimulus generalization) — Как следует из самого названия, Г. р. относится к способности реакции, предварительно выработанной на специфический раздражитель, вызываться впоследствии др., сходными с ним раздражителями. И. П. Павлов впервые продемонстрировал этот феномен в… …   Психологическая энциклопедия

  • generalization — /jen euhr euh leuh zay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of generalizing. 2. a result of this process; a general statement, idea, or principle. 3. Logic. a. a proposition asserting something to be true either of all members of a certain class or… …   Universalium

  • stimulus generalisation — noun (psychology) transfer of a response learned to one stimulus to a similar stimulus • Syn: ↑generalization, ↑generalisation, ↑stimulus generalization • Derivationally related forms: ↑generalise (for: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stimulus control — is the phenomenon of a stimulus increasing the probability of a behavior (operant response) because of a history of that behavior being differentially reinforced in the presence of the stimulus. In other words, stimulus control is basically… …   Wikipedia

  • generalization — (Amer.) gen·er·al·i·za·tion || ‚dÊ’enÉ™rÉ™lÉ™ zeɪʃn / laɪ z n. act of generalizing; general statement or conclusion; (Psychology) act of reacting to a new stimulus as to a similar stimulus (also generalisation) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • generalization — 1. Rendering or becoming general, diffuse, or widespread, as when a primarily local disease becomes systemic. 2. The reasoning by which a basic conclusion is reached, which applies to different items, each having some common factor. stimulus g.… …   Medical dictionary

  • generalization — noun Date: 1761 1. the act or process of generalizing 2. a general statement, law, principle, or proposition 3. the act or process whereby a learned response is made to a stimulus similar to but not identical with the conditioned stimulus …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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